7 Inclusive Halloween Posts for Kids with Special Needs and Disabilities

Are you planning an inclusive Halloween for your child or students with special needs and disabilities? These 7 posts are full of ideas to ensure that every child can participate in the holiday fun and create lasting memories.
Post # 1: Creating a Successful and Purposeful Halloween
This Halloween series was written by Different Dream guest blogger Amy Stout way back in October of 2011. In Part 1, Amy shares oodles of strategies for creating a successful Halloween. In Part 2, she explains how to use the holiday purposefully, so children learn social skills while celebrating.
Post #2: Creating an Inclusive Halloween
The Connecting for Kids website, Creating an Inclusive Halloween, offers a gold mind of ideas. Tips are categorized in the following categories:
- Sensory-Friendly Tips
- Allergy/Food Issue-Friendly Tips
- Anxiety-Friendly Tips
- Other Disability-Friendly Tips
As an added bonus, the post offers links to 13 special needs-related resources to investigate.
Post #3: 4 Ways to Hunker Down for a Special Needs Holiday
Different Dream blogger, Barb Dittrich, penned this series. While the tips are not exclusive to Halloween, they provide a framework parents of kids with special needs can apply to all holiday celebrations. In Part 1, Barb encourages parents to determine the main purpose for celebrating each holiday. In Part 2, she offers 3 more tips that can be used to customize every holiday celebration to your family’s values and your children’s needs.
Post #4: 41 Best Halloween Costumes for Kids with Disabilities
Halloween’s not complete with out a costume. But finding a costume appropriate to a child’s specific needs isn’t always easy. This Pinterest board provides a creative jump start for stymied parents. Prepare to smile!
Post #5: 10 Halloween Safety Tips
Keeping our kids safe and secure is paramount at all times. This Special Needs Magazine article is packed with safety tips tailored for kids with special needs and disabilities for every Halloween.
Post #6: Costumes for Kids with Disabilities
Easter Seals has a great post about how to choose a costume that reflects your child’s personalities and interests and incorporates their disability with creativity and style. You’ll want to read it after you’ve checked the above Pinterest article and are completely overwhelmed.
Post #7: Halloween for Kids with Special Needs
Nancy Flanders, who has guest blogged at Different Dream in the past, has an excellent Halloween post at families.com. In it, she offers Halloween tips for kids with autism, auto-immune conditions, asthma, allergies, and speech and language delays. her posts are always practical and doable, so be sure to stop by families.com and give it a read.
Your Favorite Inclusive Halloween Tips?
What’s your favorite inclusive Halloween tip or post? Share them in the comment box if you like.
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is a published author, speaker, wife, and mother of a son with special needs.
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