Jolene Philo has written several books about special needs parenting, caregiving, special needs ministry, and PTSD in children. To book her for a radio interview or a speaking engagement, email her via email through this website’s contact page. You’ll find interview questions for, sample chapters, and jpgs of each book cover, as well as Jolene’s bio and head shots below.
Does My Child Have PTSD? What to Do When Your Child Is Hurting from the Inside Out
Summary and Interview Questions
Does My Child Have PTSD?
Sample Chapter, Book Cover, and Endorsements
Does My Child Have PTSD? Sample Chapter 
Author Philo shares the remarkable story of her son’s 26 years of suffering and the relief from “mental anguish” he found in one week after being diagnosed with PTSD. Philo’s son, Allen, first experienced breathing difficulties immediately following birth; by age four he had undergone five surgeries. At six months—though medical professionals repeatedly insisted “babies don’t feel pain”—he screamed when seeing anyone in a white coat. It wasn’t until the family found an outpatient clinic years later that Allen was correctly diagnosed and, through “self-therapy,” first began to cope. Philo’s dramatic story will capture the reader’s attention, and there’s tremendous value in her patient explanations, from a simple definition of trauma to an exploration of PTSD causes, myths, and common terminology. In a single sentence, Philo can make a dramatic statement (e.g., trauma “changes the very structure of the brain”) and then evenly explain the physiology behind it. Though occasionally heart-wrenching, the book is organized so simply and logically as to be easy to follow and digest. Each chapter ends with “reflection questions” and additional valuable resources. Philo concludes on a hopeful note, providing encouragement and reassurance for other families in similar situations. ~ Publishers Weekly Starred Review |
Every Child Welcome: A Ministry Handbook for Including Kids with Special Needs
Summary and Interview Questions
Every Child Welcome
Sample Chapter, Book Cover, and Endorsements
Every Child Welcome Sample Chapter 
This is the best book I have ever read on this topic. But that’s what I have to say about the “brand spanking new” release of Every Child Welcome by Jolene Philo and Katie Wetherbee. It is that good. It is that easy to read. It is that practical. I love everything about this book. The framework. The tone. The content. Katie and Jolene did a superb job at zeroing in on the needs of the children’s ministry volunteer who is not a professionally trained teacher—and taking the fear and uncertainty out of the mission of teaching children with special needs in as inclusive a context as possible. Wow. That is no small feat in a world where we tend to (wrongly) believe that a professional is required for every exceptionality in life. Take a look at a few of the titles in the Table of Contents and then purchase this book. ~ Stephanie O. Hubach, National Special Needs Ministries Director, Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) |
The Caregiver’s Notebook: An Organizational Tool and Support to Help You Care for Others
Summary and Interview Questions
The Caregiver’s Notebook
Sample Chapter, Book Cover, and Endorsements
Caregiver’s Notebook Sample Chapter 
I would have loved something like this when I was taking care of my husband during his cancer treatment.If you are a caregiver, or know someone who is a caregiver, this book is an excellent tool for keeping track of appointments, medication, important notes and the myriad of “stuff” that can help keep things run smoothly in your busy life. This book is essential for the advocate of a loved one in our care. The added bonus is a section of prayers and a Bible reading plan. What caregiver can’t use a little help from above in their caregiving journey? Thank you, Jolene Philo, for an excellent resource. ~Mary Potter Kenyon, author of Chemo-Therapist: How Cancer Cured a Marriage |
Different Dream Parenting: A Practical Guide to Raising a Child with Special Needs
Summary and Interview Questions
Different Dream Parenting
Sample Chapter, Book Cover, and Endorsements
Different Dream Parenting Sample Chapter
As the mother of a child who has special needs, I’m constantly searching for resources that will help me with any and all aspects of raising my special little guy. Author Jolene Philo has written a complete and comprehensive guide to raising a child with special needs and especially addresses those cases in which hospitalization is necessary. Different Dream Parenting coaches parents on how to prepare children for surgery as well as how parents should prepare to help their children through procedures. Philo’s easy-to-understand language enables the reader to soak in all the valuable information at a time when it’s sometimes difficult to comprehend everything going on. The most impressive part of Different Dream Parenting was Philo’s discussion of post-traumatic stress disorder and how it can influence a child’s life even years after surgery. I found the information especially important, and I’m sure that as my special-needs child prepares for his next surgery, I’ll turn to this book again and again.
~Ann-Marie McClellan, Reviewer for the Christian Book Association’s Retailers & Resources Magazine
A Different Dream for My Child: Meditations for Parents of Critically or Chronically Ill Children
Summary and Interview Questions
A Different Dream for My Child
Sample Chapter, Book Cover, and Endorsements
A Different Dream for My Child Sample Chapter 
The trauma and drama of a sick child is a journey of it’s own kind. Gratefully Jolene has tenderly rose up to come to the heart-aid of the families. With every page you turn you will hear the stories of parents who understand how it feels to receive the terrifying news that their child is in immediate and long-term danger. If you have experienced or are living in deep sorrow brought on by your child’s condition I recommend that you open this book and allow the balm of understanding to meet you where you are at…to help ease your ongoing ache, your loneliness, and your feelings of isolation. ~Patsy Clairmont, Women of Faith Speaker and Author of Catching Fireflies |
Author Bio and Head Shots
Jolene Philo is the mother of a son born with life-threatening special needs. In her twenty-five years of teaching experience, worked with children with special needs in the classroom. She has written several books about caregiving, parenting children with special needs, and special needs inclusion ministry. She speaks at special needs parenting conferences around the country, conducts accreditation workshops for foster and adoptive parents, and trains special needs children’s ministry leaders and volunteers. She and her husband live in Iowa.