by Jolene | Jun 27, 2013 | In Children, PTSD
He Won’t Remember: Children and PTSD Some things parents never forget. Like the first time a mother holds her newborn child. Or the first time a baby belly laughs at a father’s antics. But when I think of our son’s early days, one unpleasant memory...
by Jolene | Jun 14, 2013 | In Children, PTSD, Special Needs Parenting
PTSD Risk Factors in Kids with Special Needs Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that can affect our children with special needs. For the last year, I’ve been guest blogging about the topic at Friendship Circle of Michigan. The most recent post in...
by Jolene | Apr 17, 2013 | In Children, PTSD
Medical Treatment or Child Abuse? “Do you suppose these medical tests and surgeries seem more like physical abuse to our baby?” My husband and I asked the doctors and nurses caring for our son that question over and over. Time after time, they poo-pooed...
by Jolene | Mar 11, 2013 | Advocacy and Research, PTSD
40 Developmental Assets for Your Child with Special Needs The 40 developmental assets concept came to my attention at a Foster and Adoptive Parents Conference in January. The assets are results of research done by the Search Institute. The idea was to determine why...
by Jolene | Feb 25, 2013 | Books and Resources, PTSD
Childhood Depression: What Are the Signs? Childhood depression is a real and growing concern in modern culture. As parents, we sometimes ignore signs of depression in our kids because we don’t want to believe mental illness can affect them. But rates of...
by Jolene | Feb 18, 2013 | In Children, PTSD
10 Causes of PTSD in Children Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness vastly under-diagnosed in children. For that reason, I’ve been guest blogging about the topic at Friendship Circle of Michigan’s website. Previous posts in this series...