What I Regret Most about Being a Mean Girl

What I regret most about being a mean girl.
Those words are both blog post title and personal confession in the wake of a conversation with an old friend at our 45th class reunion.
“Do you remember Katya Luwamala?” he asked as he sat down beside me.
“Very well,” I replied.
“Do you remember when Katya was sent home the first week of school?” my friend asked.
I shook my head. “No.”
“She wore a jumpsuit to school. No one would even notice it now, but apparently it was taboo in 1965.” He paused. “You know, the girls in our class weren’t very nice.”
I knew.
“They ostracized her from then on. She was so different with her white-blond hair, her strange clothes, and lack of social skills.”
“She picked her nose and ate her boogers, too. Looking back, I wonder if she had high functioning autism. She was so smart, she couldn’t relate to other kids. But you should know something.” I took a deep breath. “I was one of the mean girls.”
He gave me a quizzical look. “You?”
I told him how Katya had been placed in my mother’s third grade classroom in the small, midwestern town where we lived. I was in a different section of the same grade, enduring a difficult school year among classmates who kept their distance because I was weirdly creative, poorly coordinated, and the daughter of the strictest teacher in the building. Mom encouraged a friendship between Katya and me the summer after third grade, and we played together often. Katya was unlike any friend I’d ever had–highly imaginative, well-traveled, brilliant, and a little odd. We spent hours dressing up and acting out the adventures she narrated. I loved playing with her.
To read the rest of this post, visit Key Ministry’s blog for parents of kids with special needs.
By Jolene
Jolene Philo is a published author, speaker, wife, and mother of a son with special needs.
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