Down Syndrome and this Kind of Love

Ellen Stumbo’s love grew slowly after her newborn daughter was diagnosed with Down syndrome. But it continued to grow and became the life-changing, extra-fierce love described in today’s guest post.
This Kind of Love
When my daughter was born with Down syndrome, I had a hard time loving her because of her diagnosis. She was sick, and at some point I wished for her to die. Thankfully, God had different plans for her…and for me.
The sadness didn’t last long, because I fell in love. Madly in love. Completely in love. No strings attached, no reservations, no hesitation. I couldn’t just dip my toes, I submerged in the unconditional and abundant love that she gifted us with her presence in our lives.
I didn’t know it was possible to live life with this kind of love. So fierce, so strong, so deep.
The kind of love that makes me smile every morning, because she notices me.
The kind of love I feel when she wraps her arms around me.
The kind of love I feel when I know she accepts me completely, even when I am broken and flawed.
The kind of love that makes me feel like the luckiest mom in the world.
The kind of love that pushes me to find my voice and be her champion when she needs me, even if it’s scary.
The kid of love that I couldn’t live without.
It’s hard to explain what you feel so deeply. When you can look at another human being and know that they have touched you so deeply, changed you so significantly. My heart wants to burst with love, but instead tears flow freely with gratitude that this child is mine, with joy that I get to watch her grow up, and with a measure of love that continues to grow.
I will live for her, and I would die for her.
I am convinced the extra chromosome means extra love. And I think we could all use extra love in life.
Do You Know Ellen’s Kind of Love?
How did your love grow for your child with special needs? How has life changed in light of that love? Leave a comment. To learn more about Ellen and her family, visit her website at
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By Ellen Stumbo
Ellen Stumbo is a writer and speaker and the mother of three girls, two with disabilities. To read more of Ellen’s writing, visit her blog at She can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.
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