by Jolene | Mar 12, 2010 | In Children, PTSD
A recent radio interview with Dr. John Rich caught my ear the other day. He was explaining why he wrote the book, Wrong Place, Wrong Time. After watching young black men stream through Boston City Hospital’s ER with gunshot and knife wounds, he started...
by Jolene | Jan 22, 2010 | Advocacy and Research, PTSD
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, (PTSD Treatment Can Change Your Child’s Life, PTSD and NICU Parents: What About You?, and Critically Ill Kids and War Veterans Have What in Common?) war veterans aren’t the only people who...
by Jolene | Nov 25, 2009 | Books and Resources, PTSD
For the past few weeks, National Public Radio (NPR) has been airing a series called The Impact of War. While listening to several episodes that described the symptoms of PTSD in returning vets, the similarities to our son Allen’s PTSD symptoms (caused by early,...
by Jolene | Oct 9, 2009 | Prevention/Treatment, PTSD
A few weeks ago Claire Shackelford interviewed me about A Different Dream for My Child. While we talked, I thought about the double whammy military wives with special needs children deal with every day. My only desire was to encourage the moms as they care for their...
by Jolene | Sep 9, 2009 | In Parents, PTSD
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) doctors and nurses know that a stay in NICU can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in preemies. But a recent study shows that a NICU parents are at risk of developing PTSD, too. NICU Babies and PTSD Post-traumatic stress...