A Valentine’s Day Love Story
It’s not all flowers, candy, and moonlit dinners. Jolene shows what love is all about in her Valentine’s Day love story.
Disability Ministry Goes After the One
Guest blogger Mark Arnold proclaims that by looking at the example of Jesus, we can say that disability ministry goes after the one.
What Does My Child Remember about EA/TEF Treatment?
Valeria Conshafter highlights the differences between her story and her daughters in “What does my child remember about EA/TEF treatment?”
Top Ten Perks of Raising a Child with Disabilities
Jolene reflects on the lighter side of special needs parenting with her top ten perks of raising a child with disabilities.
An EA/TEF Update: Oliver’s Story
Kelly Simpson gives an EA/TEF update for Different Dream readers and other EA/TEF parents about her son’s progress.
Lessons from First Year EA/TEF Parents
Guest bloggers Katharine and Jake offer their own lessons from first year EA/TEF parents to you.