Would Someone Be Friends with My Autistic Child?
Mark Arnold has been asking this question: Would someone be friends with my autistic child? His answer is more hopeful than he expected.
2 Mental Health Red Flags for Caregiving Parents
These 2 mental health red flags for caregiving parents can be used to assess whether it’s time to seek treatment for either a parent or child.
Transitioning Between Rhythms and Tempos
Music therapist Jim Gaven explains how his class transitioning between rhythms and tempos helps children more easily transition through life.
Love Is a Child’s First Language
Love is a child’s first language. By understanding attachment theory and stages of cognitive development we can better speak their language.
EA/TEF Is All in the Family for this Mother and Son
Not many moms can say EA/TEF is all in the family, but Corrin Ponte can. Today she offers advice from a unique vantage point.
The Questions Every EA/TEF Parent Asks: Why Him, Why Me, Why Us?
The questions every EA/TEF parent asks after diagnosis are the same. Today’s guest blogger eventually learned to ask a different question.