When Life Gets Really Crazy I Dream about our Vacation
My husband said, “When life gets really crazy, I dream about our vacation.” That’s when this caregiver decided to make him her top priority.
Sandy Ramsey-Trayvick’s son taught her how to be joyful even as he struggled to overcome healthy challenges during the pandemic.
Milestones, Transitions and Rites of Passage
A TV ad showed Mark Arnold how to healthily reframe the milestones, transitions and rites of passage his son hasn’t and won’t experience.
Mask Mandates
Mask mandates are nothing new for parents of medically-fragile kids. In the pandemic, 2 parents learned to remove a different kind of mask.
Expectation Versus Reality TV
The disability community is under-represented in television’s landscape. Today’s blogger asks questions about expectation versus reality tv.
Speaking Healthy Physical Touch to Kids with Special Needs
Speaking healthy physical touch to kids with special needs and disabilities can be done in ways surprising to parents and other caregivers.