Mother’s Day Top Ten at Different Dream

Check out the Mother’s Day top ten Different Dream posts written for moms of kids with special needs by moms of kids with special needs. Grab a tissue and be ready for your heart to swell with the fierce love peculiar to moms like you and me.
#10: How to Breathe When You Can’t Let Go
Guest blogger Sarah Broady (who is also Different Dream’s virtual assistant and tech wizard) shares lessons she learned about how to breathe when you can’t let go while enjoying the Mother’s Day gift her husband gave her in 2016.
#9: To Grandma from Your Grandchild with Special Needs
Kathy Guzzo wrote her post for grandmothers of kids with special needs from personal experience and deep gratitude. If you and your child have been blessed with the support of a great grammy, you’ll want to pass this post along to that remarkable woman this week!
#8: Top 20 Reasons Moms of Kids with Special Needs Rock
This links to a favorite post by Ellen Seidman’s Love That Max blog. Her 20 reasons create the perfect Mother’s Day tribute to moms of kids with special needs.
#7: This Is for the Special Needs Mothers Who…
Guest blogger Stephanie Ballard published her first Mother’s Day poem for moms of kids with special needs in May of 2013, and it was an instant hit. For your reading pleasure, here’s the link to This Is for the Special Needs Mothers Who…
#6: How Can 31 Years Ago Seem Like Yesterday?
This post was written on the 31st anniversary of the birth of Jolene Philo’s son. It recalls the events of a day that became increasingly dire as his health challenges were diagnosed. All moms who’ve lived through similar circumstances, whether 3 years or 13 or 30, know that the anniversary of that day brings back memories that feel like they happened yesterday.
#5: Happy Mother’s Day, Special Needs Moms
A year after her first Mother’s Day poem appeared on Different Dream, she again recognized the day with a Happy Mother’s Day wish for special needs moms. In case you haven’t yet realized it, all Steph’s poems come with tissue warnings!
#4: The Place Where Joy and Grief Meet
Moms of kids with special needs know that Mother’s Day is one of those days where the joy and grief of parenting meet. Jolene wrote about that intersection in this reflection about becoming a mom.
#3: A Special Needs Mother’s Day Poem
Yup, you guessed it. Steph Ballard joined the Different Dream May fun with a third special needs Mother’s Day poem in 2015. Here it is…do you have your tissue ready?
#2: Mother’s Day Grace for Moms of Kids with Special Needs
The more Jolene travels, the more often she meets moms who feel like they don’t do enough and aren’t enough for their kids with special needs. This post is a reminder of the grace that makes moms of special needs enough and more than enough to care for their kids.
#1: The Heart of a Special Needs Mother
The ongoing needs of Steph Ballard’s son didn’t leave her time to write a Mother’s Day poem this year, so Different Dream’s rounding out the this Mother’s Day top ten with her post about the heart of a special needs mother which appeared in May of 2016.
Your Favorite Mother’s Day Top Ten Post?
Which is your fave Mother’s Day top ten post? Leave a comment about it below if you’d like. Happy Mother’s Day!
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is the author of the Different Dream series for parents of kids with special needs. She speaks at parenting and special needs conferences around the country. She’s also the creator and host of the Different Dream website. Sharing Love Abundantly With Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities, which she co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman, was released in August of 2019 and is available at local bookstores, their bookstore website, and at Amazon.
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