God Kissed this Tiny Child

Guest blogger, Stephanie Ballard offers up a new poem for parents of kids with special needs in today’s post. When I asked her where she came up with the idea, she said this:
The first source was a poem by Erma Bombeck, in which God is speaking to the angels about how he chooses mothers. The second was from stories my oldest son told me when he was about 3. He noticed a locket with a picture of my grandmother who died when I was 12. He asked me why I had Nini’s picture in it. I couldn’t recall telling him Nini was her name, so I asked him how he knew it. He said he’d seen her before he came here and had talked to her many times. Of course you can imagine my surprise, but kids are so intuitive. I like to think that God knew Braeden, our son with special needs even before I held him in my arms for the first time.
God Kissed this Tiny Child
Once upon a perfect day
In heaven up above
The tiniest souls sat at God’s feet
Surrounded by his love.
The time was coming very soon
God said, “Do not be scared.”
Your family awaits your arrival.
Now let us get prepared.
And so… God looked upon these souls
In mute consideration.
He knew the life each one would live
He weighed each situation.
The souls chatted among themselves
And wondered who they’d be.
They knew the day grew closer…soon
They’d meet their family.
Then God grew very quiet,
As if in deep reflection
And spoke so softly to each soul
About their life’s direction.
“How would you like to change the world?
Now, what would that be worth?
Would you like to make a difference
From the moment of your birth?”
“I’m going to make the world laugh,”
One soul said with a smile,
“For laughter heals a broken heart
And helps us through each trial.”
“Then take with you good humor,
And share your laughter well.”
The soul thanked God immensely
And down to earth he fell.
“And I’ll remind the world to sing,”
A sweet little soul told the Lord.
“I have the gift of a beautiful voice,
I can hit every note…every chord.”
“You’ll have the gift of music then,
A voice…lovely and strong.
Share your gift with others
And let them hear your song.”
“I’ll show the world goodness.”
The next little soul raised his hand,
“As people only need a friend
Someone to understand.”
“Compassion is a good thing,”
God said with unveiled pleasure.
“To you… I will give mercy,
Kindness beyond all measure.”
And so each soul…shared every thought
Their plans, their hopes, their dreams
As God explained that life…it is
Much harder than it seems.
And as each soul began to leave
In a scurry of laughter and fun
Heaven became quiet
Leaving…only one.
“Come sit with me my little child,”
The Lord said, with a sigh.
“Do you know how many you will touch
In a world left wondering why?
From the moment that your life begins
You will know of strife
But you’ll teach those who know you
To cherish the small things in life.
And some may only know you
Through a simple photograph
They’ll never hold you in their arms
Or memorize your laugh.
Some may only meet you
Through the things your parents say.
But you’ll do something wonderful
You’ll make them stop…to pray.”
The tiniest soul raised her head up
To touch God’s firm, strong hand
“Father, I am ready for
The life that you have planned.
And I will do the best I can
Without a word or deed.
For you Lord, are the planter
And I will be your seed.”
She could already hear many praying
And although they had not seen her face.
They were praying for her safe arrival
They were asking for mercy and grace.
“What talent do I leave with Lord?
What gift do you impart?”
“All that you will need,” God said,
“I’ve placed within your heart.”
And so God kissed this tiny child
Knowing all that she would be
And whispered as he watched her go,
“You’ll teach them to see me.”
Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.
In your book were written all the days that were formed for me,
when none of them as yet existed.
Psalm 139:16
How Has God Kissed Your Child?
Does Stephanie’s poem resonate with you? If you like, leave a comment about how God kissed your child.
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By Stephanie Ballard
Stephanie Ballard is the mother of two sons, her youngest son, Braeden, was born with Kabuki Syndrome and congenital heart defects. Her oldest son, Colin is in the military. She enjoys writing poetry and life lessons about her journey in life.
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Thank you for your work with children who have special needs and for leaving your comment. Best wishes as you deal with your own disabilities.
So sweet! Made me cry!
Wow! I am in awe. Clearly one of your gifts was the ability to write in a clear voice, that touches others. I worked w/ special needs individuals (ranging from cognitive deficits to pyromania)for 15 years, before one too many industrial accidents left me w/ various disabilities of my own. I learned far more than I ever taught. This was lovely.
Thank you for describing your son. If he is a blessing to you, then you are surely a blessing to him, also.
Our special boy was born 29 years ago with many health issues and developmental delays. He has never ealked, talked, played or made many cognitive achievements beyond a 6 month old but he has taught us courage, unconditional love, laughter in adversity and trust in God. We are blessed each morning with a beautiful smile, laughter and giggles all day long and smiles at the end of a day. He has blessed us in so many ways just being God’s special child!