7 Sleep Tips for Kids with Special Needs

by Apr 1, 2013How-Tos, Special Needs Parenting20 comments

Sleep is a precious commodity to precious to parents raising kids with special needs and sleep issues. Here are 7 sleep tips to help them.

Sleep is a precious commodity to new parents. It’s doubly precious to parents raising kids with special needs, kids who often have sleep issues. Katy Bird, a favorite special needs blogger mom at Bird on the Street, is on a mission to get more sleep. That’s not an easy task for a mom who’s oldest son Charlie, lives with cerebral palsy. She’s also the mom to twin boys, Louis and August (who needs a gluten-free diet), and baby Rex. The twins and Rex are under 3 years old.

7 Special Needs Sleep Tips

As you can imagine, Katy doesn’t get enough sleep. But, she’s been implementing some simple strategies to add order and security to her daily life. The latest is increasing the amount of sleep for everyone in the family, starting with her son with special needs. Here are 7 tips she recommends:

  1. Consider a melatonin supplement. After consulting the doctor, of course.
  2. Limit sleep medications.
  3. Try a weighted blanket.
  4. Look for sensory stumbling blocks.
  5. Get rigid in your routine.
  6. Dim lights in the house thirty minutes before bed.
  7. Eliminate any spaces between a child’s tight muscles and the bed.

Your Sleep Tips?

Does your child with special needs have sleep issues? What kind? What strategies have you discovered to improve your child’s (and your) sleep? What are some areas where you and your child still need help? Leave a comment to share your frustrations, your breakthroughs, and your advice and to encourage other parents dealing with similar challenges. Thanks!

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photo credit: www.freedigitalphotos.net

By Jolene

Jolene Philo is the author of several books for the caregiving community. She speaks at parenting and special needs conferences around the country. Sharing Love Abundantly With Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities, which she co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman, was released in August of 2019 and is available at local bookstores, their bookstore website, and Amazon. See Jane Sing!, the second book in the West River cozy mystery series, which features characters affected by disability, was released in November of 2022.


  1. Kim

    I don’t understand tip #7 ….

  2. Kim

    I don’t understand tip #7 ….

  3. Jolene

    You’re the second vote for melatonin in one day. Thanks for the tip.

  4. Jolene

    You’re the second vote for melatonin in one day. Thanks for the tip.

  5. Jolene

    Thank you Maureen. How wonderful that it worked for you. Perhaps your hint will help someone else, too.


  6. Jolene

    Thank you Maureen. How wonderful that it worked for you. Perhaps your hint will help someone else, too.


  7. maureen bartwink

    Jo Lynn
    My grandson is 4 and is autism. We used to rock him for hours and he would only sleep about 4-5 hours a night. His Dr. recomended we
    use Melatonin. We started when he was 3 and the first night he slept 10 hours. We use it nightly and he sleeps for 10-12 hours a night. No naps during the day, but hey, he sleeps great at night. and we have seen no side effects. We give him 2.5 mgs

  8. maureen bartwink

    Jo Lynn
    My grandson is 4 and is autism. We used to rock him for hours and he would only sleep about 4-5 hours a night. His Dr. recomended we
    use Melatonin. We started when he was 3 and the first night he slept 10 hours. We use it nightly and he sleeps for 10-12 hours a night. No naps during the day, but hey, he sleeps great at night. and we have seen no side effects. We give him 2.5 mgs

  9. Joy

    We use melatonin 3mg for my 11 ye old son. Our pediatrician and his neurologist both recommended it as safe and works great!!!

  10. Joy

    We use melatonin 3mg for my 11 ye old son. Our pediatrician and his neurologist both recommended it as safe and works great!!!

  11. Jolene

    Thanks for the link, CJ, and for carrying a line of products to keep kids safe.


  12. Jolene

    Thanks for the link, CJ, and for carrying a line of products to keep kids safe.


  13. Jolene

    Dear Jo Lynn,

    Thanks for stopping by. I hope one or more of those tips works for you. Stop by with an update when you can. I’m praying for sweet dreams for all of you!


  14. Jolene

    Dear Jo Lynn,

    Thanks for stopping by. I hope one or more of those tips works for you. Stop by with an update when you can. I’m praying for sweet dreams for all of you!


  15. Jo Lynn

    Oh my goodness I am SO glad to have come across this post (stopping by from Love That Max). We have a very very hard time with my son and sleep. A lot of his has to do with his g tube and reflux. We have tried the weighted blanket and it does help but he also runs warm, like has to have a fan on him even in winter, so its not working as well as I hoped. I am going to check out her suggestions in more detail. I keep hearing about the melatonin supplement but my husband looked it up and saw negative side effects but we may need to look into it more. Looking for a solution. I am TIRED đŸ™‚

  16. Jo Lynn

    Oh my goodness I am SO glad to have come across this post (stopping by from Love That Max). We have a very very hard time with my son and sleep. A lot of his has to do with his g tube and reflux. We have tried the weighted blanket and it does help but he also runs warm, like has to have a fan on him even in winter, so its not working as well as I hoped. I am going to check out her suggestions in more detail. I keep hearing about the melatonin supplement but my husband looked it up and saw negative side effects but we may need to look into it more. Looking for a solution. I am TIRED đŸ™‚

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Meet Jolene

Jolene Philo is a published author, speaker, wife, and mother of a son with special needs.



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