The Envelope: Video Edition

The envelope? Huh? What envelope?
The envelope guest blogger Scott Newport talked about way back in August in his post Redwood Love Notes at Summer Camp.
Now do you remember? I’m talking about the envelope that held the love note Scott tucked in the suitcase his son Noah took to summer camp. The envelope that helped Scott and his son Noah deal with their grief over the loss of Scott’s son and Noah’s brother, Evan. Evan died of Noonan’s Syndrome when he was seven years old.
The Envelope: The Written Version
The written post was pretty popular. Several of you left comments about how it touched and inspired you to create something similar for the next time you and your child will be away from one another—at summer camp, in the hospital, or even for an overnight stay at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.
The Envelope: The Video Version
Since August, Scott has created a video version of the story in cooperation with a pilot project at C.S. Mott’s Children’s Hospital at the University of Michigan. In the video you get to hear Scott tell the story (and sing a little) and see pictures of the redwood love note project and pictures of Scott and Penni’s kids.
But that’s enough talk. Here’s the video so you can watch it yourself. (This video comes with a tissue warning.)
What Do You Think?
Are your eyes dry yet? Or do you need a minute to get another tissue? Go ahead. I’ll wait for you to get back. When you do, leave a comment about your reaction to the video. Or tell Scott how you will adapt the idea for use with your family. Or just thank him for sharing his heart so openly and using his loss to bring hope to grieving families who have lost children.
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By Scott Newport
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Evan’s short life still matters, Scott. Thank you for ministering to other dads. C.S. Mott Hospital is blessed to have you working with them on this new project.
Thanks Jolene for posting this video. A few weeks back C.S. Mott informed me they would like me to help with a new father’s program. I look forward to sharing this with them this upcoming Monday and implementing this idea for all fathers and families at Mott. Evan’s short life did matter.