This Is for Special Needs Mothers Who…

Mother’s Day is almost here. In honor of the day and for special needs mothers, guest blogger Stephanie Ballard is here with a poem for all of you.
Here’s for the Special Needs Mothers Who…
Once upon a time I rocked my baby doll in a pink plastic cradle that my grandmother had bought me for Christmas. I dreamed of the day that I would get married and have children of my own. I never imagined in any of my daydreams that I would have a child with special needs. In the eight and a half years since my son Braeden was born, I have met countless mothers who have walked a path similar to my own. Some face coming to terms with their child’s life-threatening illness, as we do, others have learned to live with the diagnosis of autism or behavioral issues (we’ve been there too). We share a common bond, an invisible thread that connects in inexplicable ways. May God bless each of you this Mother’s Day.
This is for the mothers…
(Each mother that I’ve known)
Whose greatest hope was someday
To have children of her own.
For those who proudly rocked their dolls
And kissed them each goodnight.
This is for the mothers
Who were told, “Something’s not right.”
This is for the mother
Who when faced with such a trial
Sits beside her child’s bed
Just praying all the while.
For those who learned of patience
In ways that no one should.
For mothers who know all too well
Life isn’t always good.
When dreams of all the oohs and ahhs
As doting friends arrive
Become instead…a battle
To help their children thrive.
This is for the mothers
Who refuse to sit in silence,
Advocating for their children
With constant love and guidance.
Appointments fill their busy lives
It’s time to go again
With feeding pumps, and specialists
A tank of oxygen.
And people stop…to look their way
Just wondering…what’s wrong?
I’ve seen that look, a hundred times
They’re thinking I am strong.
The oohs and ahhs don’t matter.
Now life seems much more clear.
I’m lucky I’m his mother….
I’m blessed to have him here.
This is for the mother
Whose shaking hands release
The child that she loves so much
(And then she prays for peace)
“We will take good care of him,”
The nurse says carefully
This mother’s thoughts are simple,
“Lord bring him back to me.”
His life no longer in her hands
She wonders what’s in store.
This is for the mother
Who has walked this road before.
This is for the mother
Whose worst fear comes to light.
“We’re still not certain what went wrong,
We’ll watch her through the night.”
For mothers who sit powerless,
Praying…please let her survive.
For mothers who go on somehow
When their miracle doesn’t arrive.
As some wake up on Mothers’ Day
To kisses, cards and laughs,
Others have just memories and well-worn photographs.
This is for the mothers
Who knows that it’s a treasure.
To have a child…love a child,
There is no greater pleasure.
For runny eggs and blackened toast
Arranged upon a tray
With a bunch of wilted dandelions.
“Mom does it taste okay?”
For every busy restaurant
And every crowded mall,
The words “I love you mama,” are…
The greatest gift of all.
~Stephanie Ballard
With a Hopeful Heart
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms of kids with special needs!
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By Stephanie Ballard
Stephanie Ballard is the mother of two sons, her youngest son, Braeden, was born with Kabuki Syndrome and congenital heart defects. Her oldest son, Colin is in the military. She enjoys writing poetry and life lessons about her journey in life.
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Jaden is blessed to have you for her mom. Can I send you a virtual tissue and hug?
thank you so much.. this made me cry and I needed this… I feel for each and every one who has a special needs child. I have walked in so many of your shoes…. through all the hurt and pain… i would not change my sweet peanut Jaden for anything in the world… God gives us what we can handle and I know I was chosen to be Jaden’s mother, because God new I would be the best mother for him… Thank you
This made me cry, but oh so perfectly said… thank you for that Mothers Day wish, it was for me and so many others! Thank you!!!
Many thanks to everyone who left a comment about my Mother’s Day post. We are blessed to be called mom by such special children. Hope you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day!
Thanks to all of you who were moved by Steph’s poem and left comments. They will be an encouragement to Stephanie, too.
this is just right time to share this poem….I was telling I’m not used to being home on holidays I’m always in the hospital with my son Jeremy…its a blessing to be a special needs Mom and for the past 18 years….I don’t regret any of it neither love my son as much as love my oldest son they are my everything and my world….
Wow..This is beautiful..All of your poems describe so much of my life and what we are going/or have been through…Thank you so much for sharing
Such a beautiful and heartfelt poem. My youngest daughter is now 31 and she has mosaic Down Syndrome. She has always been ‘my sunshine girl. <3
Thank you for sharing such a lovely poem.