Guest blogger Rebekah Benimoff shares special needs lessons learned through recent chaos caused by her son's fluctuating glucose levels due to diabetes.

Yesterday, guest blogger Rebekah Benimoff shared an important lesson about prayer she learned during her son’s recent, chaotic medical crisis. Today, she shares about allowing the breath of God to renew and refresh the spirit in this series about special needs lessons learned in the midst of chaos.

Breathing in the Midst of Chaos

Within 20 minutes Tyler’s blood glucose (BG) was nearing normal. The energy level in the room dropped considerably, though no less than three staff members watched over us for the first few hours. Despite the low BG episode, Tyler still had massive amounts of sugar in his bloodstream, and large levels of ketones needing to be cleared. Blood tests and IVs were ordered, and Tyler was a trooper through all the poking and prodding. Meds were given to calm the stomach convulsions, and soon he was asking for something to drink. My anxiety level lessened considerably at this point.

When I had a moment to update those praying for us, my husband urged me to call for a chaplain. “You need care too!” He recommended two chaplains he had worked with before he took time out to seek treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The chaplain on call responded quickly, and I have to say that the provision of someone who listened as I aired out the anxiety of those first hours was a great gift.

Though the worst had passed, seeing my son turn gray and absorbing the urgency of the staff members had caused quite a trauma to my mother’s heart. I did everything I could to help him, and yet the situation was beyond my control. I will admit that I was terrified. We’ve dealt with low BGs before, but I never get used to seeing my baby in the midst of a life-threatening emergency. I needed to decompress, and the urgency of the moment did not allow the usual release that tears always bring. Talking about how scary it had been for me eased the pain and moved me towards recovery from what Tyler and I had been through.

Before she left, the chaplain prayed with Tyler and me. She held our hands and comforted us with a prayer that reminded me to take time to just breathe. To allow God’s cleansing breath to move through Tyler and through me and bring restoration of body, mind, and spirit. This  time of prayer left us both Tyler and myself better comforted, and calmer than before.

Part 1
Part 3

Lesson Two Complete

Thanks to Rebekah, we just found a second life lesson, even in the midst of chaos. Through prayer (yesterday’s life lesson), we allow God’s cleansing breath to restore us. Have you ever had a restoring, refreshing moment like Rebekah’s? Leave a comment so everyone can get better at recognizing those moments in the lives of others and hopefully, in their own lives, too. And come back tomorrow for Rebekah’s final lesson.

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