A Special Needs Christmas

A Special Needs Christmas

Christmas, the holiday of joy and peace and hope, is almost here. But for parents of kids with special needs, it can be a time of sorrow and restlessness and despair. We wonder how a perfect and all powerful God can identify with the struggles our children live with...
Why Did My Child Live for Only Two Minutes?

Why Did My Child Live for Only Two Minutes?

What a hard questions to have to ask. And what a hard question to try to answer. No doubt, some of you have had to ask such a question, and I can’t imagine the grief and sadness you have had to bear. An Email from Miranda Gardner A couple weeks ago, my editor at...
Wrestling with an Angel, Part 5

Wrestling with an Angel, Part 5

Today’s post will be the last in the interview series with Greg Lucas. (Click on these links to read Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four, if you haven’t already.) Today, Greg gets very transparent and shared some advice he wishes he’d...