Guest Bloggers
Contribution GuidelinesGuest Blogger Submission Guidelines
1. Guest bloggers are not paid, but links to their blogs appear on the guest blogger page and at the end of each post.
2. Guest bloggers need to send a high-resolution picture and a short bio before their first post is published. For bio examples, go HERE
3. Posts should be written from a Christian worldview, though every post does not have to mention faith. Different Dream’s audience includes unchurched and churched parents, so please avoid Christian jargon and preachiness. Just speak naturally.
4. Word count for a post is about 500 words. If you need more words to do the subject justice, indicate a good breaking point so it can be split into a two part series.
5. Please include headings and titles. (Sometimes their wording has to be changed for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes, but your titles and headings ensure that the emphasis you want the piece to have is maintained.
6. Please send the post in html format if possible.
7. Send non-copyrighted photos to accompany your posts, along with acknowledgements if necessary. One photo per post is plenty, though you can send more for step-by-step posts or ones that will be a series.
8. Please send high-resolution photos or graphics as separate jpg files rather than embedded in a document.
9. Please include any other links needed to other blogs, products, or whatever.
10. Guest posts can be on any topic you choose. Here are some favorite types of posts:
- Seasonal posts are great, but need to come at least a month early.
- How to’s: Practical posts about issues common to parents of kids with special needs like how to create a checklist for doctor’s visits, how to entice picky eaters to try new foods, how to keep track of IEP forms, how to do a craft or learning activity.
- Numbered lists like 6 ways to make siblings of kids with special needs feel special, 10 special needs of moms of kids with special needs, etc.
- Humorous takes on raising kids with special needs.
- Pieces where the blogger is highly transparent about struggles and doubts, even faith doubts.
Different Dream will email bloggers when their posts go up and send the URL. Your post will be promoted on social media sites such as Twitter, FB and Pinterest throughout the day. Guest bloggers are encouraged to do the same to increase visibility for everyone involved. Please send blog post and high-resolution images to Jolene Philo.