Hope When It Hurts

Hope When It Hurts

Hope When It Hurts Hope when it hurts. Guest blogger Sarah Walton has learned where to find hope when it hurts, when she and her children are overwhelmed by what Lyme Disease has done to her family. Please welcome Sarah as she debuts as a Different Dream guest...
Just As I Am

Just As I Am

Just As I Am I was not a fan of Billy Graham as a child. My dislike had nothing to do with him or his message. Rather, it had everything to do with the disruption his televised crusades brought to our family’s TV viewing schedule. Mom, a school teacher who...
The Caregiver’s Treasure

The Caregiver’s Treasure

The Caregiver’s Treasure This morning, in the chilly half dark, I passed the houses along the route that leads to my favorite path. The acrid odor of burning electrical wires grew strong when I neared a ramshackle, uninhabited house that is the neighborhood...