by Nancy Flanders | Oct 18, 2011 | Holidays, Special Needs Parenting
Only two more weeks until Halloween and Nancy Flanders is here with a few tricks for parents of kids with food restrictions. Take a look at her suggestions and see which ones could work for you on October 31. How To Trick or Treat with a Food Restriction Halloween is...
by Jolene | Oct 12, 2011 | Holidays, Special Needs Parenting
Are you feeling more hopeful about Halloween after reading Part 1 of guest blogger Amy Stout’s series yesterday? Then today’s post will encourage you even more. Today, Amy gives ideas about how to make Halloween not only fun, but also purposeful. You may...
by Jolene | Oct 11, 2011 | Holidays, Special Needs Parenting
Halloween will be here soon, and kids are are already vibrating with excitement. Parents, well, maybe not so much. Especially parents of kids who experience autism, deal with sensory issues, or struggle to overcome behavioral issues. Today and tomorrow, guest blogger...
by Scott Newport | Jun 17, 2011 | Holidays, Special Needs Parenting
Guest blogger Scott Newport called the other day and asked, “Do you need something for Father’s Day?” When I said yes, he sent this sweet poem. He wrote it two years ago when Evan’s health was failing, and Scott knew his remaining Fathers Days...
by Christine Lester | Feb 14, 2011 | Holidays, Special Needs Parenting
During January’s EA/TEF Awareness Month, Christine Lester shared her You Might Be the Parent of an EA/TEF Child If… (Part 1 and Part 2) here at The response to her humorous and heartfelt series was overwhelmingly positive. So I...
by Scott Newport | Nov 24, 2010 | Holidays, Special Needs Parenting
Do you need help finding something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? This story by guest blogger Scott Newport may give the encouragement you need. The Thanksgiving Tree It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Michigan. The weather is cool. The sky is
blue. I am...