When Life Turns Out Differently Than You Had Planned
When life turns out differently than you had planned, God is with you. Guest blogger & EA/TEF mom Kelly Simpson is living it.
This Is Our Normal
“This is our normal,” is a phrase all special needs parents can relate to. Guest blogger Ellen Elizabeth explains her EA/TEF journey.
EA/TEF Awareness Month 2023
Jolene kicks off EA/TEF awareness month 2023 with an introduction to the rare disorder and a welcome for all special needs parents.
Jesus is FOR Caregiving Parents
Guest blogger Heather Braucher concludes her five-part series by explaining how, despite the circumstances, Jesus is FOR caregiving parents.
How Can I Be Grateful for Disability
Jolene explains how she finds gratitude in the midst of the disabilities that have affected her father, mother, and son.
Setting Goals for Adult Children with Disabilities Matters
Guest blogger Sandy Ramsey-Trayvick explains why setting goals for adult children with disabilities matters.