I Won’t Forget Your Faithfulness

I won’t forget your faithfulness. God used the lyrics of a song to prepare guest blogger Sandy Ramsey-Trayvick for what she didn’t know was coming. In this post she explains how they can help us as special needs parents respond differently when our children are hurting.
I woke up with song lyrics running through my mind on repeat:
Great is Your faithfulness … I won’t forget, how great Your faithfulness…
I recognized the song as one from my worship playlist that I hadn’t listened to in awhile. I sang it that morning as part of my devotions. As I read Scripture that same morning, my eyes fell on 2 Thessalonians 3:3.
“But the Lord is faithful;
He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.”
The Lord was going out of His way, it seemed, to remind me of His faithfulness. For the remainder of the morning and into the afternoon, I sensed the Lord wanting me to rehearse–over and over–the lyrics:
I won’t forget Your great faithfulness.
Because of the strength and persistence of the exhortation, I began to suspect that the Lord was preparing me for something to come. So I obeyed His promptings and thanked Him throughout the day, promising Him,
I won’t forget Your faithfulness.
That evening when I called my family to dinner, one of my daughters yelled back that something was wrong with my son. My husband and I ran upstairs to find him lying on our bedroom floor—awake but unresponsive. We surmised that he’d had a seizure. He’d had them before but he’d been seizure free for months so this one had caught us off guard. Because of COVID, we were reluctant to take him to the ER, or even to call for paramedics. However, as we cared for him ourselves, he had another seizure. His breathing ceased and his lips began turning blue. We called 911.
Later that night, after our son was stabilized and resting, my husband and I reflected back on the Lord’s words to me earlier in the day—and we thanked Him for His faithfulness. I’d been in situations before when my son’s health took a sudden negative turn. In my distress and confusion, I had questioned God.
Why are you allowing this to happen…again?
But this time, the Lord Himself had prepared me to respond differently. Because He had whispered those song lyrics in my ear, I did not forget His faithfulness.
I’m guessing there are many reading this post who’ve found themselves, in times of confusion or pain, questioning God. While I won’t pretend to understand why He allows certain things, I’m convinced that He knows and understands our suffering–and stands ready to help us through it. As He reminded me of His faithfulness this time, I was reminded of the countless other times that He’d been faithful—to protect, to heal, to provide, to counsel, to empower, to restore, to comfort—the list goes on. How, then, had I allowed myself to forget?
I lift my eyes; I won’t forget,
How great Your faithfulness.
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By Sandy Ramsey-Trayvick
Sandy is wife to Terry, mom to 3 young adult children, a Bible study teacher, an encourager to those who are weary, a fitness enthusiast, a lover of books, and a certified professional coach. She and her husband are also marriage mentors. Twenty years ago, after her son was diagnosed with multiple disabilities, Sandy became his full time caregiver and advocate. She knows that living in the world of special needs or disabilities can lead to a “disabled life” mindset that focuses on limitations and settles for less life, less joy, less fulfillment. She coaches parents of children with special needs to help them see their circumstances from a perspective of hope, purpose, and opportunity. She helps them choose actions that create a life for themselves and their families that is joyful, fulfilling and fruitful. You can learn more about Sandy, her work, and her blog at www.UNDisabledLIVES.org.
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