4 Special Needs Parenting Reminders from a Deranged Robin

Special needs parenting reminders came thick and fast when we were raising a son with major medical issues. But he overcame his health challenges, became an adult, and flew the coop long ago. These days, special needs parenting reminders arrive in strange ways.
One example is the deranged robin who appeared on our deck as winter surrendered to spring. One morning I heard a thumping sound, like someone was tenderizing meat on the kitchen counter. But none of the cooks who live at our house were around. I shrugged, arranged my computer and materials at the table in front of the glass doors leading to our deck, and began to write. A few words into my first sentence, the thumping began again. I glanced up to see a robin smack its beak on the window glass, fall onto the deck, shake its ruffled feathers, and charge at the door again. And again. And again. All morning long.
From that day on, the deranged robin showed up as soon as the sun hit the glass doors. It attacked the door until the sun moved and the eaves cast a shadow on the glass. Between its first appearance and the solution that finally sent it packing over a week later, that deranged robin provided several special needs parenting reminders I’d like to pass along to you.
Reminder #1: The Simplest Solution Is Often Best
To read the rest of this post, please visit the blog for parents at the Hope Anew website.
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is a published author, speaker, wife, and mother of a son with special needs.
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