How’s Special Needs Parenting Working for You?

In May of 2016, our daughter, her husband, and their one-year-old son moved in with my husband and me. Not for a few weeks or months until they found their own place to live. But permanently. Forever. As in, we are here to assist them while they raise their family, and they’ll be our caretakers when we can no longer care for ourselves.
When people hear about the arrangement–even though we explain that the decision was made after months of prayer, frequent discussions, and a three week trial–the reaction is identical. The same worried expression appears on every face, and the same question gets asked.
How’s that working for you?
The fact of the matter is that our grand adventure of multi-generational living* is working quite well. We’re pretty sure the reason the adjustment has gone smoothly is the prayer and planning that preceded the decision. And God’s provision through the quick sale of our previous house after we unexpectedly found one that meets our new family circumstances beautifully. But truth be told, our changed circumstances are doing more than working for our family.
Our changed circumstances are working change in me.
Daily, my admiration grows for parents who graciously accept the constant disruption that is part of raising young children. The young parents at our house are living examples of how to adjust priorities, how to put the needs of others ahead of self, and the importance of being flexible. All skills I relinquished with glee when we became empty nesters and that I am now relearning.
To read the rest of this post, visit Key Ministry’s website for parents of kids with special needs.
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is a published author, speaker, wife, and mother of a son with special needs.
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