I Failed Again, but There Is Always Hope
Guest blogger, Sharon Cargin, shares a story of how she failed again in today’s post. She writes about her son Tim’s last hospital stay and how she kept silent instead of talking about depression with Tim’s respiratory therapist when the opportunity arose. Maybe you will see yourself in her story and find hope in God’s grace as Sharon did.
I Failed Again
I can’t believe I didn’t say anything. I just sat there listening politely. How could I do that? I have a passion to shatter the wrong ideas about depression that our culture embraces. I do not want people to go through the stigma and misunderstandings that are out there. I have collected articles and books about depression that have helped me and that I think would help others.
Yet I just sat there and listened as an old friend told of her coffee ladies.
They all had money and husbands. But my friend has been divorced for years, struggles with numerous physical health issues, and worries about money as she is of retirement age. Several of her friends said they are on “happy pills” as they referred to them. All but 2 in her group of 6 or 7 friends are on anti-depressants.
She was incredulous.
She said things like “What we do they have to be depressed about? Why, their lives are so good!” She continued to talk about how baffled she was about why so many of her friends were depressed. She said, “Sure I get sad sometimes but not depressed.”
Oh, so many opening to share my story and explain what depression really is like.
But, no, I just sat there smiling and nodding. What was wrong with me? I had failed again.
My failure reminds me of Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples. Peter was a passionate follower of Jesus. He is the only one that dared to trust Him enough to walk on water at Jesus’ invitation. He sank after a few steps when he took his eyes off Jesus.
His spirit was willing, but his flesh was weak.
Jesus said to Peter at the last supper, “You are going to fail big time, but I will pray for you. You can use that experience to strengthen others.”
Peter said, “No way, Jesus. I will go to prison and to death for you!”
Jesus replied, “Nope, you will fail.”
And yep, Peter denied he even knew Jesus a few hours later. (Paraphrase by Sharon.) He had 3 opportunities to speak up, but didn’t do it. In fact, he denied he even knew Him. What was wrong with Peter?
He failed again.
Interestingly, after the crucifixion, the angel at the empty tomb told the women who came to prepare Jesus body, “Jesus is alive. Go tell the disciples and Peter he has risen.” A special message to Peter who may have been thinking, “What is wrong with me? I failed again”. A message to Peter that communicated grace.
Jesus did not write him off as a failure.
The Bible tells us this astounding truth: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) I find that so hopeful. God can use us even when we are weak. In fact, he specializes using our failures. He uses those weaknesses and failures to help others through us.
We always get another chance.
Lord, I surrender to you to use my weaknesses and failures to make your power perfect. Help me to be your tool to strengthen others using what you teach me when I mess up.
Where Is Your Hope When You Say, “I Failed Again?”
We all fail, which means we all are in need of God’s grace. How do you experience God’s grace in those moments? Leave a comment.
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By Sharon Cargin
Sharon (wearing white shirt above) is a wife, mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother. She has taught elementary school and homeschooled. Teaching and mentoring children and teens has been a joy in her life. Life was fairly normal for Sharon but pretty much blew up at the birth of her third son who was born 3 ½ months premature with quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Sharon has a passion to encourage others and share some of the lessons she has learned over the years.
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