How To Make It Through a Special Needs Storm

Different Dream welcomes Candice Wilkinson as today’s guest blogger. Lately, she’s been experiencing some special needs storms as she cares for her child with special needs. In the process, she’s discovered some ways to calm the waters of her soul.
One of my favorite worship songs is Oceans by Hillsong United. It seems that every time we go through a rough week, Oceans appears during worship. A worship leader, who is also a friend, puts her personal touch on it that brings me to my knees. This song has a way of comforting and uplifting me. It gives me strength when I need it the most.
There is this one part of the song really stands out to me while I am going through a special needs storm:
So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine.
Whether the special needs storm is an illness, a new surgery or a new diagnosis, this verse reminds me that I need to call upon God’s name and keep my eyes on Him. It brings me such hope.
A Psalm for Special Needs Storms
When the water get murky and cloudy Psalm 121:1-3 often comes to mind, too.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—He who watches over you will not slumber.
It is not a coincidence that Psalm 121:1-3 and Oceans both talk about lifting our eyes up to God for help. Sometimes with all the medical jargon, the day-to day-care of being a caregiver, and just life in general, we need to make time to carve out time with God.
Three Tips for Navigating a Special Needs Storm
Sometimes the water is calm; but when the water gets rocky and choppy, it can be easy to drown. Today I am sharing my three tips that help me carve out time with God during a special needs storm.
Prayer and Bible Time. Talking to God and laying down your worries can ease anxiety. It doesn’t matter if you are a person who goes for a five kilometer prayer walk, or someone who writes love letters to God; as long as you spend that time communicating with Him.
Journaling. Putting your thoughts on paper can help get them out and relieve stress. To help you get into the mood for journaling, try lighting candles and having your favorite drink on hand. Also, adding some colored pens or stickers into the mix to help express your moods.
Worship Music. There is nothing like cranking up the volume of your favorite worship music and singing at top of your lungs when your going through rough waters. When the waves feel like they are crashing in on you, start your days with worship music. Have it on in the car, too. Surround yourself with it.
I’ve found that write these on my daily to do list help me make sure to get that time in with God.
How Do You Make It Through Special Needs Storms?
What are your tips for making it through special needs storms? What songs and verses soothe your soul when the waters get rocky? Share you thoughts in the comment box if you like.
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By Candice Wilkinson
Candice hails from Alberta, Canada where she lives with The Hubby, and their two children. She is the social media manager for Courtland’s Hope Foundation. After the traumatic birth of her oldest child, Candice became passionate about advocating for children with disabilities and their families. When she isn’t busy juggling social media tasks, meetings, and therapies she loves to read and crochet.
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