Unto Us a Child Is Born

For the first time in many years, my husband and I are greeting the coming of the Christ Child in the presence of a baby. Our sweet grandson is almost 10 months old, and we are oohing and aahing over every new task he masters.
Feeding himself and making a mess.
Drinking from a sippy cup.
Creeping and crawling across the carpet for the first time.
The wonder of Christmas becomes reality as we watch and celebrate every accomplishment of this grandchild we love so much.
The wonder of Christmas also raises many questions in my mother’s heart.
Did Mary’s heart swell the first time Jesus clapped and crowed for joy?
Did the infant Prince of Peace smear food in his downy hair?
Did his father carve a wooden cup that fit inside his Son’s baby hands?
Did the dirt scrape Jesus’ chubby knees when he first crept across the floor?
To read the rest of this post, visit the Not Alone website at specialneedsparenting.net.
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is the author of the Different Dream series for parents of kids with special needs. She speaks at parenting and special needs conferences around the country. She’s also the creator and host of the Different Dream website. Sharing Love Abundantly With Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities, which she co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman, was released in August of 2019 and is available at local bookstores, their bookstore website, and at Amazon.
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