The Angels Stood By

Christmas 2015 is now a memory, but guest blogger Steph Ballard is here with a poem that reminds parents that their kids with special needs are gifts they can see every day. If you’re a Steph Ballard fan, you know this poem comes with a tissue warning.
The Angels Stood By
‘Twas the night that you joined us
All eyes were on earth
Awaiting with joy
for our sweet child’s birth.
The angel’s stood ready
For each need and care
But all of them knew
That the Lord would be there.
And I squeezed Daddy’s hand
Knowing that he was scared.
While we waited, and wondered,
Asking, “Are we prepared?”
See…we knew you were special,
But so very sick.
Yet hope had grown in me
With every kick.
Soon it was time,
Into this world you came.
I heard a soft cry
then I called out your name.
God held your small hands
While the angels stood by.
Since I could not hold you
they hushed your soft cries.
One small angel looked
to the Father and smiled,
“Can you truly teach hope
through such a small child?
An infant so helpless,
a life so brand new,
Oh please tell me Lord
is this what you will do?”
God looked from the angel
to the infant’s sweet face,
“Through him, my young charge,
they will learn about grace.
I penned this child’s journey
quite a long time ago
And through every challenge
This family will grow.
Every hair on his head
has been numbered, you see.
It’s my hope that his life
will teach them to see Me.
Each battle they face
Has already been won,
They will lean on each other
They will lean on my Son.”
“So little one, we welcome you
And love will see you through.
See look, that is your family,
They’ve been waiting for you.
I send you to their warm embrace.
For a time, we’ll be apart;
But always I’ll be with you
For I live within your heart.”
And so we held you in our arms
And thanked our Lord above
For we see in you the miracle,
of His undying love.
So when it’s Christmas morning,
And I watch my children play
I’ll need no great reminders
For I see my gifts each day.
Your Thoughts?
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By Stephanie Ballard
Stephanie Ballard is the mother of two sons, her youngest son, Braeden, was born with Kabuki Syndrome and congenital heart defects. Her oldest son, Colin is in the military. She enjoys writing poetry and life lessons about her journey in life.
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Stephie….our Lord has given you more, than most could handle. Your beautiful insite to the challenges parents have with those delicate children of God, is so inspirational. Your words are humbling to those of us with healthy stong children. I know Troy and Colin would agree. Braeden’s smile is infectious…it gets me every time.?