Special Need Breakthrough Just Around the Corner
Photo Credit: jscreationz at www.freedigitalphotos.net
Many parents learn patience while waiting for the special needs breakthroughs that mark progress for their kids. Guest blogger Rebekah Hallberg spent much of the summer waiting for a special needs breakthrough and nearly gave up. In this guest post, she encourages parents…and kids…to hang in there. Because, she says, the special needs breakthrough you’re hoping for may be just around the corner.
Special Needs Breakthrough Just Around the Corner
As special needs parents, we often operate on a different timeline. We know that milestones may get hit, but probably not in the typical time frame. We know that friendships may happen, but not necessarily in the most normal pattern. And we know that skills will become acquired, but your guess is as good as mine as to just when that might happen. But that’s the thing – we never know what’s just around the corner. We must press on, we must keep giving it our all, no matter how hard the situation may be, for we never know what milestone, friendship or skill may be just around the corner.
This year, we did not have Extended School Year (ESY) services, meaning we had the summer “off” from therapy. I was looking forward to that, because it meant I could catch my breath a little. We had a few activities planned for the end of June and early July, but after those activities, my son’s behavior started to plummet. It looked as though we were hitting a major regression.
I got so worked up because he had been doing so well for so long. So long. And here it seemed to all be unraveling in front of me. We were back to being in the trenches, and we haven’t hung out there for a long time. We were back to some of the most basic techniques we’ve tried with him in times past.
I was heartbroken.
It just so happened that I bumped into someone within the special education department at our school when I was attending a parent volunteer meeting. This woman is just lovely – she doesn’t just view the kids as a case load, but really as individuals. She asked how our son was doing.
For a split second, I debated saying that he was doing well. I mean, he was healthy, he had gone to a week of sleep-away camp, he had successfully completed several other activities, and had been generally happy…until the structured activities ended. I thought back to the last few weeks when screaming, crying, and yelling had become the norm for him – where movement consisted of what seemed like stomping in 20-pound work boots, rather than just walking across the room.
And so I told her the truth – that things had gone moderately well, until all the structured activity was done. And then…and at that point, it seemed like we lost our happy son. She asked what he had done, how his school skills were, and somehow we landed on talking about his writing. He’s 10 years old, and can write, but doesn’t write much – hence, many of the therapies he has. She looked rather shocked. He struggles in many areas, and one of them is writing. She promised to get in touch with his Special Education teacher as soon as possible, and before long we had a back-to-school transition plan in place.
When I talked with the lady from the school, I had no idea what was just around the corner. I had told her, in no uncertain terms, that my son can write, but that we can’t get him to do it, no matter what.
And then it happened.
My son sat down one day to work on a school assignment (to write a letter) and he produced an entire hand-written page. It was beautiful. It took a long time for him to do it, but he did it! He threw a little of his own flavoring into it and I didn’t even cringe (which, I think, surprised him)!
When it was done, he looked over it and proclaimed, “It’s a whole page of ME!”
Complete and utter perfection – just 10 days after I told someone that he can write, but doesn’t.
Friends, we have no idea what’s just around the corner. The end of July and the month of August were some of the hardest times that I’ve faced in a long time. His actions, his behaviors, they hurt – physically, emotionally, and they sent me back to God asking, “Why?”
God’s answer was consistent – just keep loving Him. He is mine, and even when you don’t understand, I have every hair on his head numbered, and he hears my voice.
Maybe you’re facing a tough time with your child. Please share that with us so we can be praying with you. And please, just keep loving your child. We don’t know what’s around the corner – we don’t know when that breakthrough is going to come. Like me, you may not even realize it’s in process. But remember, ultimately, these children – all our children – are a precious gift from God, entrusted to us for a season. Keep walking; keep watching for what’s just around the corner.
Special Needs Breakthrough Shout Out Time
Want to brag about your child’s most recent breakthrough? Leave a comment in the comment box so we can celebrate with you!
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You are so right. It’s good to hear that your son has had some great successes and that your family persevered until he did.
I will be praying for your family too, Denie. Rebekah this is a great reminder for us not to give up hope. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Oh this is so true… we never know what is around the corner. In the last year we have had some of our biggest struggles and our biggest successes with our son. I just keep reminding myself none of it surprises God…so we just keep moving forward in faith and celebrating his accomplishments!
I am praying, Denie. May God clear the way through the school issues and provide wisdom for the medical team. Bring relief to this family, O Lord.
Totally agree!
Please pray for the Sidney family as we continue to adjust to this school year. God knows the details. Very trying times on so many levels. I know God is faithful. He can advocate for our family and comfort our daughter. Please pray for the medical team too. Thanks.
Wonderful news! No we should never give up. Each child has potential according to their special ability!