Hope in Hard Places, Part 2

Caregivers need tremendous amounts of hope and encouragement to meet the challenges of caring for kids with special needs. Guest blogger Rebekah Benimoff knows how hard hope can be to find. Yesterday, she explained where she found hope when her caregiving journey was darkest. Today, she explains how God’s character became the foundation of her hope.
Hope in Hard Places, Part 2
Some ask, “Where is God in the midst of suffering?” Others believe in a capricious God, who shows up only when it suits his fancy. Yet the One who walked the road of agony willingly, even with gratitude, is not fickle or flighty. He is faithful. The closeness we have in every season has much more to do with me.
How deep will I let his love go? What and Who do I cling to? Faith is a choice; how open is my heart to intimacy? In this life, sometimes closeness sears. I feel pain deepest in the closest relationships. Life can be unstable; suffering at times seems more than I can bear. People can let me down, and sometimes I translate that into my relations with God.
No matter the special needs battle, it is imperative to grasp truth. To know that God is not frivolous with my love—even if I fear the pain that comes in confronting my wounds. The injury must be treated to be healed. This can be frightening—but wellness is worth the work, for my loved ones and for me, too.
Where Have You Found Hope in Hard Places?
How have you learned to find hope in hard places? What have you learned about God that assures you of his faithfulness? What truths do you cling to? Leave a comment to share your insights. And stop by Rebekah’s website, Just Me Mama, to read more of her insights.
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Photo Credit: www.freedigitalphotos.net

By Rebekah Benimoff
Rebekah Benimoff is the wife of a husband with PTSD and the mother of two young men, both of whom grew up with medical and special needs. She blogs at In the Chaos…. and In the Calm (justmemama.blogspot.com).
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