Becky Hallberg’s Special Needs Resolution: Trust

Is January really half over? It must be true, since today’s guest post from Becky Hallberg marks the halfway point through Different Dream’s 2014 special needs resolution series. Here’s what she has to say about her resolution for 2014.
As the parent of a special needs child, I have to trust a lot of other people with various aspects of his care. Some of those include his pediatrician, several specialists, his therapists, and his school team. I trust them to have answers for my questions, solutions for his problems, and the ability to meet his needs. I listen to all they say. For the new year, though, I am resolving to listen more to my son.
My son is 9 ½ years old and has Asperger Syndrome and sensory issues. Part of his therapy is to work on his understanding of language, and he is doing very well with this particular therapy.
But as his mom, I find that I still view him as the 5-year-old who was just starting this therapy journey. He needed me for everything—for personal needs in caring for his physical well-being, to emotional needs, understanding others, and being understood in life.
He has learned so much and grown in so many ways, and I realize that my perception of him is probably hindering his growth in some ways.
The fact of the matter is that we’ve made a significant jump—one from where he needed me for almost every part of everything he did, to now when it seems he hardly needs my help for most of his day-to-day activities.
He has gained tools to help him be successful in his day-to-day life. He has learned to ask questions, to listen to the words others use, to (occasionally) notice their facial expressions, and (sometimes) how to put all those things together.
I need to trust in the tools he has received, from those I have trusted to provide him with the tools he has needed. Enough people in his life know how he struggles and know how to help him work through situations.
I will try to trust all of the tools my son has in place to make his daily life more successful. I intend to see my son as the young man he’s becoming, and to help him grow into that part of his life. I resolve to trust my son as he speaks up more for what he can do, as he speaks out more for who he is, as he shares more of his likes and dislikes.
For 2014, I resolve to trust in my son!
How About You?
Do Becky’s words hit home? Is there some way you need to trust your child with special needs? Leave a comment to share your resolution if you like.
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