Amy Stout’s Special Needs Resolution: Never Forget

Different Dream’s 2014 special needs New Year’s Resolution continues with a contribution from guest blogger Amy Stout. Her resolution is…never forget.
A New Year’s Resolution: Never Forget
As a rule, I am not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I try very hard to not tie myself down to deadlines, lock myself into long-term commitments or things that will add stress to my life.
Even so, I seem to always want to exchange the old for the new.
However, experience translates the opaque turmoil into the very clear wisdom that no matter how organized, put together, fashionable, or respectable I try or want to be, compared to what Christ has done for me, well… there is no way to pretty it up… I am a mess…
The beautiful thing is that He loves me—not despite myself but because of my unique, yet flawed persona and contribution to my corner of the world.
And, like a camera snapshot journals a perfect moment or a slice of precious time, God tells us to “remember” (when we sometimes want to forget) the chaos, the stress, the hurried moments, the schedule conflicts, the pain, the disappointment, the times we were misunderstood, the heartache we have felt, and how his goodness prevailed.
He wants us to capture the moments and remember each piece because these are our stories. They are fragments of a life lived … All of these pieces come together to project a panorama of a work that God is the artist and author of—a work not yet finished.
Each simple scrap, sliver, chip, and scrape … each rare gem is a piece of the story that HE is the author of. Individually (while in our care), they are a scattered mess of documents and papers strewn about but bundled and bound all together they are chapters of a life that either followed His hand or strayed from the plan.
So what in our lives is so treasured, cherished, and prized that we should not forget and even more are compelled to gift to the next generation? Read through the following verses and think of various scenarios that took place over the past year in your life. Try to think of experiences and memories that are applicable to these familiar principles.
In 2014, I encourage you to be transparent to those around you. Allow them the opportunity to have a glimpse into the work that God is doing in you and through you. We are a novel in progress and our stories mean something! We are gifted with moments, experiences, and time that we will never get back. Make them count for a greater and lasting purpose. Invest in the lives of others by gifting your story. Encourage someone to untie the ribbons.
Always remember to NEVER FORGET.
Deuteronomy 4:9
Deuteronomy 4:23
Deuteronomy 6:12
Deuteronomy 8:1
Deuteronomy 8:11
2 Kings 17:38
Psalm 10:12
Psalm 74:19
Psalm 119:83
Psalm 119:141
Proverbs 3:1
Proverbs 4:5
Isaiah 43:18
Isaiah 54:4
Philippians 3:13
Hebrews 13:2
Hebrews 13:16
James 1:25
2 Peter 3:8
What Will You Never Forget?
What precious moments do you want to remember? Leave them in the comment box so you and Different Dream readers will never forget.
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By Amy Stout
Amy Stout is a wife, mother, and free-lance writer. You can visit her website at His Treasured Princess.
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Kerith – I absolutely agree. I admit there have been times on our journey when we have been in a crowded room and felt completely alone. It is times like those that I need to remind myself to keep my perspective. I urge the “lonely me” who would like to crawl into a hole that what I am going through is not about me. I then try to make sure that my behavior and my responses reflect HIM (easier said than done at times). Once my focus is on Him, the loneliness dissipates and I remember that I am here for a purpose and I am NEVER alone.
That is so true, Kerith! Thanks for stopping by and for leaving your comment.
Transparency. I like that…in theory. It takes bravery. It takes someone actually looking to see it.