Christmas Miracles of the Special Needs Kind

Guest blogger Stephanie Ballard and her sons are getting ready for Christmas. Today, she shares a poem about recognizing Christmas miracles of the special needs kind…and all year long.
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us once again. It can be such a stressful time, with a never ending list of things to get accomplished. Let us remember to look for the Christmas miracles. They are evident everywhere…but easiest to see through the eyes of our children.
Outside the snow was falling
In a white, and wintry flurry,
Mom was baking cookies
And she seemed in quite a hurry.
The shopping was all finished
The tree was decorated
Tomorrow Christmas would be here
The children were elated.
And soon the youngest tapped his mom
His face…a bit forlorn
“Are miracles for real Mommy,
like when Jesus was born?”
“Of course they are,” his mother said
While picking out a book
“Miracles are everywhere
You only have to look.”
And so, he sat up in the chair
And snuggled in her lap
So cozy…warm and comfy
He was ready for a nap.
Then Mommy read the story
More important than the rest
About the Christmas miracle
Which still remains the best.
She read to him of Mary
Who said, “God’s will be done,”
Of how the angel told her
That she would have a son.
Do not be afraid,” he said
“You have found favor… thus
You’ll call your son Emmanuel
And this means, ‘God with us.'”
She read of all their struggles
Of no room at the inn
Of how we needed someone
Who could save us from our sin
Of how the very brightest star
Was shining far and bright
And shepherds got to witness
God’s miracle that night.
And wise men came to worship
This most amazing birth.
Then mommy closed the book and said
“God’s miracle on earth.”
Does God still perform miracles?”
the boy asked hopefully…
“I know he does,” his mother said.
Just look at you and me.
Why love, it is a miracle
as is determination
finding a reason to smile each day
in any situation.
Seeking to be hopeful,
treating each day as unplanned
a simple prayer…a thankful heart
Now do you understand?
Make each day a miracle,
keep your eyes open wide
for almost anything can have
a miracle inside.”
The child kissed his mommy’s cheek
as he had grown tired
His mother put him in his bed
Her heart had been inspired.
At times she found it hard to smile
when the long day was done.
But grace…had touched her heart today
through the words of her young son.
God still performs miracles
ff every shape and size
But sometimes the miraculous
lies right before our eyes.
Does Stephanie’s poem give you eyes to see the miracles–Christmas, special needs, and otherwise–right before your eyes? If so, give your miracles a shout out in the comment box.
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By Stephanie Ballard
Stephanie Ballard is the mother of two sons, her youngest son, Braeden, was born with Kabuki Syndrome and congenital heart defects. Her oldest son, Colin is in the military. She enjoys writing poetry and life lessons about her journey in life.
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