Special Needs Parenting Offers Life…Not a Wasteland

Who knows how special needs mom and guest blogger Kimberly Drew finds time to read? But I’m glad she does, because one book she read gave her hope and encouragement she’s sharing at DifferentDream.com today.
New Life in the Wasteland
I recently read a novel written by my friend Jocelyn Green titled Widow of Gettysburg. It is a historical fiction novel and I loved it. There were several quotes throughout the book that grabbed my attention, but this one in particular has been running through my mind today:
Where we think there is a wasteland, God will bring new life.
A Special Needs Wasteland
As the parent of a child with multiple handicaps, there have been seasons of my life where I felt like I was living in, and surrounded by a wasteland. Doctor’s appointments, therapies, insurance battles, isolation, grief, and fear sucked every last bit of energy from my spirit. I was recalling with my mother-in-law just this morning that during the early years of Abbey’s diagnosis, I felt like I would never get out of the emotional wasteland I was living in. I couldn’t see relief in the future, I couldn’t feel God’s presence (even though it was always there), and uncertainty seemed to be overwhelming my ability to grasp and deal with our situation.
Special Needs and New Life
Perhaps while you’re reading this, you can relate to one or all of those feelings. I want to encourage you to never forget that God is in the business of making all things beautiful in His time. If you had told me eleven years ago that there would come a time in my life that I would thank God for allowing Abbey to become disabled, I never would have believed you. I barely believe it now! But it’s true. Somewhere deep in my heart, God has tenderly spoken kindness and mercy over my pain. Where there once was a wasteland of isolation, now there are new and invaluable relationships. Where fear of the unknown robbed my joy, my trust and faith in His plan allows me to laugh freely and often as a part of my day. The horizon of my heart was once a barren and empty black hole of grief, and today it is so very full of the lessons I’ve learned about God’s character and compassion for me.
Special Needs Hope
Isn’t it amazing that while I was looking around and feeling and finding nothing, deep underneath the layers of my heart God was planting something new? There beneath the cracks in my faith, a tiny seed of hope was growing. This seed needed deep roots to withstand its environment. Out of the wasteland, God brought new life. This life is more transparent, vulnerable, and authentic than it ever could have been if someone had planted it in the lush and fertile soil of ease.
What Books Speak to Your Special Needs Parenting Heart?
Have you read a book that planted a seed of hope in your role as the parent of a child with special needs? Or gave hope for your child? Tell a little about the book in the comment box. Maybe we can start a special needs parenting book club…with Kimberly as our leader, of course!
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By Kimberly Drew
Kimberly grew up and went to college in the small town of Upland, IN. She graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Elementary Education in 2002. While at TU, she married her college sweetheart and so began their adventure! Ryan and Kimberly have four amazing kids on earth (Abigail, Jayden, Ellie, and Cooper), and a baby boy waiting for them in heaven. Their daughter Abigail (Abbey) has multiple disabilities including cerebral palsy, a seizure disorder, hearing loss, microcephaly, and oral dysphagia. She is the inspiration behind Kimberly’s desire to write. In addition to being a stay-at-home mom, Kimberly has been serving alongside her husband in full time youth ministry for almost fourteen years. She enjoys working with the senior high girls, scrapbooking, reading, and music. You can visit Kimberly at her website, Promises and Perspective.
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Thanks for the link to your website and the valuable resources housed there. Thanks, too, for choosing to become better instead of bitter and for helping so many other parents do the same.
Thanks for your endorsement of Kelly’s book. I agree it is very encouraging!
“Autism’s Hidden Blessings” by Kelly Langston is an incredible, inspiring & encouraging book. It is also very real, but reveals God’s blessing through our toughest trials. Just one of the many quotes that stuck with me was, “On your dark days, do not focus on the giant before you. Instead, focus on the God who is with you.” Great book!!!!
Your post really resonated with me. Someone once told be that having a special child could turn us into either a better or a bitter person – the choice is up to us.
When I was told both my sons were incurably ill, I couldn’t find the book I needed. I wanted one that told me that it was alright to feel so bad and that didn’t duck the tough emotional issues. In the end, I wrote “A Special Child in the Family” myself and I hope it’s helped those who’ve read it.
When the publisher let it go out of print, I turned the text into a website at http://www.specialchild.co.uk. I’ve also made it into an ebook for parents who prefer to read that way. If you think I should do a print version as well, please let me know.