Time Management Tips from Special Needs Moms, Pt. 2

Time management for parents of kids with special needs is the subject of this two- part DifferentDream.com series. Yesterday, guest blogger Kimberly Drew revealed her favorite time management tips. Today another guest blogger, Rachel Cordeiro, gives details about what helps her use time more effectively and parent her daughter Cami, who is visually impaired and deals with developmental delays due to premature birth.
Time Management Tip #1: Prepare in Advance
Rachel advises parents to prepare as much as possible in advance: lunches & clothes down to shoes, socks & hair bows. She says:
I’ve learned that when I don’t prepare outfits, lunches, etc. the night before, that automatically guarantees the next morning we won’t hear our alarm (and I’m only partly kidding)! I’ve discovered that preparing the night before has also allowed my daughter to be a part of the process. It’s a lot less stressful for me to ask her what she’d like to wear, allowing plenty of time for her unhurried decisions then to add more stress to a busy morning!
Time Management Tip #2: Keep School Things in the Same Place
Rachel says it helps to keep all school gear in a consistent, easy-to-grab place. Here’s how her family does it:
We keep my daughter’s cane and backpack in the same spot so that we’re not searching for it in the morning. This also helps her to master independent skills because she knows where to put them (and then retrieve them) every day.
Time Management Tip #3: Meal Planning
Rachel plans meals ahead of time so she knows what’s for supper, even when chaos reigns in the house. She uses an online meal-planning service called 5 Dinners 1 Hour to make the job easier. She likes it for these reasons:
- It offers easy-to-follow recipes that you can assemble in an hour or less!
- Meals can be assembled on one day and keep them in refrigerator.
- Each week’s menu is complete with meals and list of ingredients.
- Gluten-Free menu options are offered.
- The cost is $15 for 3 months or $60 for a year.
To learn more about it, go to www.5dinners1hour.com.
Your Time Management Tips?
Now that Rachel and Kimberly have shared their tips, it’s your turn. Please leave them in the comment box so we can all make more time in our days. Thanks!
Time Management Tips from Special Needs Moms, Part One
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Photo Credit: www.freedigitalphotos.net
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