Messy Life, But Not Alone

Messy. That’s the word guest blogger Rebekah Benimoff uses to describe recent events in her life. Though surrounded by messiness, she found reasons to be grateful. Her story may open your eyes to reasons you can be grateful, too.
Messy Life, Messy Bits
Here’s one of my favorite quotes from Letters to Juliet: “Life is the messy bits.” Vanessa Redgrave’s character gives us a charming reminder that life without the messy bits is not real life.
Messy Bits All Day Long
Yet it can be overwhelming when life seems to be only messy bits. This week my own life included a trip to the children’s hospital. Tyler was a little trooper despite a full day of bloods testing and x-rays, and lots of waiting in hospital halls stretched before us as he was poked and prodded. Most of the day I was not panicked—just weary and longing for resolution. At one point I found myself having a moment.
Messy Bit Moment
I was sitting on the floor next to a pile of blankets and bags and diabetes supplies, waiting for my boy to come out of the bathroom. And I was tired. Not just physically tired, for there are times when weariness reaches past the soul and into the spirit. And during that very long wait, I leaned my head back, and clung to the hope that we truly were on our way to answers of some sort. About then, my phone beeped. Signal came through and prayers and well wishes and messages of love filled up my screen—and my heart.
Messy Life, But Not Alone
Tears of gratitude flowed as I was reminded that even when my life is messy, I am not alone. What a relief! When life is chaotic, and outcomes uncertain, I do not really need a neatly arranged picture of a religious icon. What I really need in the messiness and the muck and the blood and guts and various other bodily fluids is those reminders that I am not in this alone. I don’t need pat answers, or explanations of how this is all part of God’s plan. I need what is real and tangible, even through an inbox: prayer and community and support.
What touched me most was not having everything miraculously revealed. What spoke to my gaping needs was not an answer. What encouraged my heart was the knowledge that though I was down on the floor in a hospital hallway with a sick kid stuck in the bathroom, I was not forsaken. I was not alone. Support was tangible, and tears of gratitude and release streamed down my face as I participated in the fellowship of prayers offered for my boy—and for me.
Messy Bits and God’s Compassion
When needs in your life spin out of control, who do you go to? Do you let it be known that you are struggling? It might be second nature to try to pull yourself up by your own boot straps and march on, but I am learning that when I reach out for help beyond myself I gain so very much!
When my life is lived in the messy bits, human hearts are a beautiful conductor of divine compassion. What sustains and encourages is the sweet outpouring of love: friendship offered, hands held out, cyberspace and hospital waiting rooms bridged, anxieties soothed, rest given. This is one more way that God offers provision. All we need to do is let needs me known and be willing accept the much need help.
How Do You Know You’re Not Alone When Life Gets Messy?
Do you identify with Rebekah’s situation? Can you remember a time when you realized you weren’t alone in the messy bits of life? Leave a comment to share your story.
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By Rebekah Benimoff
Rebekah Benimoff is the wife of a husband with PTSD and the mother of two young men, both of whom grew up with medical and special needs. She blogs at In the Chaos…. and In the Calm (
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