Special Needs Battle: Who vs. What

Special needs parenting feels like a battle sometimes. Guest blogger Michelle Selent recently fought one of those battles and found victory by focusing on who rather than what. In today’s post, she explains what that means.
Special Needs Battle: Who vs. What
Last time I guest blogged, we were just coming off vacation and discouraged by the challenges the girls brought to the vacation experience. This coupled with the preschool meeting where the teacher flat out described my daughter in her class as overwhelming. I was finding it very difficult to see hope, especially with the impending school year upon us.
Special Needs Medical Victories
It took some time but I am seeing more clearly now. God is ever so faithful. Especially when the enemy of our souls is having a field day beating up on you.
There have been some encouraging things happen since I posted last and boy, oh boy, did I need it. August was our month of specialist visits. We saw the GI specialist, endocrinologist, rehabilitation specialist, and the developmental specialist. This alongside our multiple weekly therapy appointments for speech, OT, and PT.
Our GI doctor increased the girls’ appetite medication and changed another medication, and I can really tell a difference in their food consumption. This excites me. Our developmental specialist gave us a new kind of ADHD medication to try, and I was willing to with school starting back up, but I made it clear I was not willing to subject them to adverse side effects. So far I think it is genuinely helping the girls and not changing who they are. I honestly almost gave up hope that we would find something. I look forward to seeing if the teachers also find improvements in their attention and behavior.
Special Needs Heart Victories
I think the biggest improvement though came from my “heart specialist.” I can tell I had people praying for me. Eventually my emotions settled down. Peace came over me and I was ready to roll up my sleeves again and get back to this adventuresome life my God has blessed me with. Back in the battle of what versus Who.
Yes that is what I said… BLESSED. I say this not because it’s easy or pain free, those all have to do with the what is going on and not the Who. Life in general is jammed pack full of the what’s like tight finances, behavior problems, divorce, unmet expectations, broken dreams, hurt feelings, sickness, and the list is limitless. So in the midst of life’s list I need the Who, whose power is also limitless.
The Who is my faithful provider, my wisdom giver, the healer of my heart, mind, and body. My Redeemer for every broken and shattered dream.
When I get inundated with the whats of life it’s easy to fall into the trap of the if only this or the if only thats. Like the whats have all the power. The reality is I know Who has all the power.
“”… I know Jesus, the One in whom I have believed. And I am sure he is able to protect what He has trusted me with until that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12b
Jesus has trusted me with a wonderful husband, four amazing sons, two precious daughters, friendships, a home to care for, and yes, special needs. All of which bring on a lot of whats. With Him though, the whats diminish.
“People who do what is right may have many problems, but the Lord will solve them all.” Psalm 35:19
This tells me then, that in the battle of what vs Who, the Who wins every time. No matter what!!!
Your Special Needs Battles?
Thank you, Michelle, for the reminder of Who is the champion in every battle faced by parents of kids with special needs. If her story touched you, leave her a note below. Or tell us how God has been your champion, too.
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By Michelle Selent
Michelle is the mother of two adopted daughters with fetal alcohol syndrome. You can connect with her on Instagram.
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