The previous two posts in this series, you learned how the needs of two ordinary families led to the creation of Faith, Hope & Charity, a residential care facility for children with special needs. To learn more about the many services currently offered at their state-of-the-art home, visit their website,
A Powerful Example
The two woman who conceived the idea for the residential home were ordinary people like you and me. But their example is a witness of what parents can do to effect powerful change. When Rose and Mary started searching for a way to care for their daughters with special needs without neglecting the other members of their families, they never imagined what Faith, Hope & Charity would become. All they knew was that their girls needed help, and it was up to them to find it.
One Step at a Time
So they started small, taking one step at a time, using the resources available to them to do what they could. Once they had a house, a care giver, and someone with legal expertise they took the next step. Slowly, step by step, over more than forty years, the facility evolved into the impressive residential facility it is today.
Follow in their Footsteps
It’s hard to imagine that ordinary parents like you and me could effect lasting, meaningful change like that. It’s hard to believe there are resources available. It’s hard to decide where to start. It’s much easier to assume there’s nothing we can do. It’s easier to throw up our hands and say nothing will ever change. It’s easier to give up.
But Rose and Mary didn’t give up. They took one step, then another and made slow, steady progress. You can do that. I can do that. Who knows what we could do in the next forty years if we go one step at a time?
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