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More resources still to come!
In the meantime, check out our most recent blog posts!
A Song for Encouragement
Musician Steve Siler presents his song, “Whole in the Sight of God,” a song for encouragement of families impacted by disability.
When Pets, Bracelets, and Autism Come Together
Guest blogger Heather Braucher explains the magic that happens when pets, bracelets, and autism come together.
Did I Trust God’s Plan for the Life of My Child with Disabilities?
Jolene looks back on the lessons she’s learned and ponders, “Did I trust God’s plan for the life of my child with disabilities?”
Two Coping Skills for Families with Disabilities
Guest blogger Kristin Faith Evans explains two coping skills for families with disabilities that have helped her over the years.
Special Needs Homeschooling: The Ups and Downs
Special needs homeschooling is full of ups…and downs. Guest blogger Lisa Pelissier knows this from experience. In this post she describes her adventures in homeschooling, which began long before she discovered she had joined the special needs homeschooling tribe. I...
We Need Community while Parenting Kids with Disabilities and Special Needs
Sandy Ramsey-Trayvick explains how we need community while parenting kids with disabilities and special needs.
The Impact our Words May Have on the Children We Serve
With narratives from her past, Jolene demonstrates the impact our words may have on the children we serve.
Unexpected Grace Given and Received by Caregiving Parents
Looking at her difficulties differently led Karen Wright to experience the unexpected grace given and received by caregiving parents.
Why Did God Make Me this Way?
Guest blogger Steve Siler tells the story of his answer to his son’s question: “Why did God make me this way?”
Can Churches Help Families Raising Children with Disabilities Stay Together?
Can churches help families raising children with disabilities stay together? Guest blogger Mark Arnold explains his opinion.
The Physical Manifestations of Grief in Caregivers
Jolene explains how the heaviness of loss and sorrow can contribute to the physical manifestations of grief in caregivers.
A Little Boy, a Little Wheelchair, and a Big Lesson about Servanthood
Guest blogger Steve Harris explains his life with a little boy, a little wheelchair, and a big lesson in servanthood.
Whole in the Sight of God
Guest blogger and award-winning musician Steve Siler explains the roots of his song, “Whole in the Sight of God.”
Experiencing Post-Traumatic Growth while Raising a Child with Disabilities
Jolene explains the benefits of experiencing post-traumatic growth while raising a child with disabilities.
Close to the Brokehearted
Guest blogger Karen Wright explains how the phrase “I’d like to buy you coffee” has been her go-to for initiating friendship.
Mending Broken Hearts
Guest blogger Kelly Denham explains how, in the midst of her grief, God proves He is in the business of mending broken hearts.