Book Coaching Services
Welcome to Literary Midwives, a book coaching service for writers who want to birth a book. Each client who contacts Literary Midwives receives a free half hour consultation. During that consultation, one of our book coaches answers your questions, suggests next steps, and points you to resources to move you forward. If you want further coaching, you will be matched with the book coach best able to help you meet your writing goals.

Story Coaching

Concept Editing

Query Letter Coaching

Book Proposal Coaching

Jolene Philo is the author of five non-fiction books about special needs parenting and caregiving. Her agent is currently pitching her first mystery novel. Jolene presents workshops at writing conferences around the country about query letters, book proposals, editing, and the writing process. Her areas of expertise include query letter and book proposal coaching, as well as non-fiction concept editing services. She also does concept editing services for mystery, historical, and contemporary fiction.

Anne Fleck holds a degree in literature from Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. She’s written three books and is preparing her most recent manuscript for publication. She also writes and edits scripts for Ghost Light Media. She specializes in story coaching. She also does concept editing in these genres: speculative fiction, fantasy, realistic fiction, and young adult fiction.

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