Happy Birthday to Me: 40 Best Special Needs Blogs

Today is my birthday, and I’m celebrating by sharing one of my favorite early birthday presents of all with you. My very favorite early present was the birth of my daughter who entered the world on July 21, 1988. But last month, on June 24, DifferentDream.com was included on a list of the top 40 websites for special needs parents compiled by www.onlinecollegecourse.com.
Doing a Happy Birthday Dance
I do my own little happy birthday dance every time I think about being listed with special needs blogs I’ve been hero-worshipping for years. Blogs like:
- Friendship Circle of Michigan
- Love That Max
- 5 Minutes for Special Needs
- About.com: Children with Special Needs
- Hopeful Parents
Here’s what was said about this website: “No matter the diagnosis, parents seek solace with one another through this blog, which overflows with personal stories as well as resources for a wide range of needs.”
What Special Needs Blogs Would You Add to the List?
Many of the websites on the list are new to me, so I’m having a jolly time learning about them. And maybe you’ll leave a comment here about your favorites in the comment box, so we can check them out, too.
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is the author of several books for the caregiving community. She speaks at parenting and special needs conferences around the country. Sharing Love Abundantly with Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities, which she co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman, was released in August of 2019 and is available at local bookstores, their bookstore website, and Amazon. See Jane Dig!, the fourth book in the West River cozy mystery series, which features characters affected by disability, was released in October of 2024.
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Thanks, Stacie.
Congratulations It’s well deserved! I’m going to check out that list.