Looking for information about athletics and special needs? This post discusses several resources and provides links about athletics and special needs.

Yahoo and yippee! Another great site for people with disabilities has come to my attention. It’s a resource for your personal information, and a great one about athletics and special needs to pass on to teachers and others who work with your child.

The Unwritten Rules of Athletics and Special Needs

The Unwritten Rules of Sports talks about how kids with special needs must learn more than the rules of a game. They must learn the “unwritten rules,” the traditions and rituals associated with it. The author, Gary Barber, gave examples from several sports and suggested ways to help kids learn these rules.

National Center on Physical Activity and Disability

By itself, the post was a fantastic find. But, I discovered it was just one entry at a site full of fantastic finds. Turns out, the post was part of a blog sponsored by the National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD), has the following mission statement:

NCPAD promotes increased participation in physical activity among people of all abilities. This blog, is a site where readers and contributors can share information and generate new ideas.

Now isn’t that something parents of kids with special needs can use?

Check out NCPAD

My guess is that you’ll want to check out the NCPAD website at www.blog.ncpad.org. A sample of recent blog entry titles gives you an idea of the diverse topics it addresses:

  • Labels and Hope
  • Dance and Disability: The Gimp Project
  • Books for Kids with Disabilities
  • The Impact of our Words
  • The Difference Between Your Pet and Your Service Dog

What Do You Know about NCPAD

If you’ve had experience with NCPAD’s blog or anything else about athletics and special needs, leave a comment. Or come back after you look at their site and describe your reaction. Or tell how something you found there led to more physical activity and involvement for your child.

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