5 Special Needs Tax Deductions and Credits

Tax time is coming, and families of kids with special needs may qualify for certain tax deductions and credits. A post from one of my favorite blogs, Friendship Circle, listed 5 tax deductions and credits you’ll want to research before meeting with your accountant.
3 Special Needs Tax Deductions
- Medical and Therapy Expenses: This includes things like tutoring, aides, exercise programs, transportation to and from special schools or therapy, and equipment.
- Specialized Food: Food costs for diets for kids with allergies to gluten, casein, dairy, or nuts may be deductible if the diet is medically recommended.
- Legal Expenses
For a complete list of the receipts you’ll want to put in the shoebox of papers you take to your accountant, visit Friendship Circle and read the 5 Tax Deductions and Credits for Special Needs Families.
2 Special Needs Tax Credits
- Child and Dependent Care Credit: Again, this credit is explained in detail at 5 Tax Deductions and Credits for Special Needs Families. Remember, the credit is available for kids under the age of 13, but the age limit does not apply to older children with special needs.
- Earned Income Credit: Again, the age limit associated to this tax credit does not apply for adult children with special needs.
Your Special Needs Tax Time Tips
I’m the first to admit my understanding of the tax code is pretty fuzzy. My husband, who organizes our tax documents, would heartily agree. But he would also be the first to say how much easier his job is because of the tax time tip I’m sharing with you: get a small case with pockets for each month and diligently file any receipts that might qualify. Doing so makes tax time less dreadful for me, and the file looks much classier than our old shoe box.
Now, what tax time tips make your trip to the accountant easier? Leave a comment!
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By Jolene
Jolene Philo is the author of several books for the caregiving community. She speaks at parenting and special needs conferences around the country. Sharing Love Abundantly with Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities, which she co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman, was released in August of 2019 and is available at local bookstores, their bookstore website, and Amazon. See Jane Dance!, the third book in the West River cozy mystery series, which features characters affected by disability, was released in October of 2023.
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Hi Sharon,
Being neither an accountant or a lawyer, I don’t feel qualified to answer your question. So instead, I’ll point you in their direction.
Best wishes,
i need to find out if i can claim the milage to and from court on my taxes..i have to go to court to get custody of my son who is 30..i was given guardinship of him when he was 18 and now i am told we have to go through it again..I now live 158 miles from where we are going to court..
i would like to know if this is something i can claim on my taxes this year