Day by Day Caregiving

Day by Day Caregiving

Day by Day Caregiving Day by day caregiving describes life for parents raising children with special needs and disabilities. It’s also a strategy Kimberly Drew has been using for months as the lack of routine due to the pandemic makes life hard for her daughter Abbey....
2 Mental Health Red Flags for Caregiving Parents

2 Mental Health Red Flags for Caregiving Parents

2 Mental Health Red Flags for Caregiving Parents 2 mental health red flags for caregiving parents? Are you kidding me? I’m waving at least a dozen red flags every day! That would have been my reaction to the title of this post when I was in the thick of caring for a...
EA/TEF Is All in the Family for this Mother and Son

EA/TEF Is All in the Family for this Mother and Son

EA/TEF Is All in the Family for this Mother and Son EA/TEF is all in the family for this mother and son. Mom Corrin Ponte, who was born with this rare condition and whose son has it too, recounts both stories. From her unique vantage point, she also shares her best...