What makes an exceptional parent to a child with special needs. Guest blogger created a mathematical equation to answer the question.

A new school year is just around the corner, and maybe that’s why guest blogger Scott Newport is in a math mood today. Take a look at the new math he learned during his years as dad to Evan, their son who had special needs.

Mathematics of an Exceptional Parent

I never did really well in school but since the birth of my special needs son, Evan, I was left no option but to continue my education. Like you, I was taught mathematics is all about numbers. Ha!

Since my new schooling commenced, I figured out numbers do not always add up when trying to calculate a problem. I may not be the smartest guy on the block but the mathematics I have recently learned has paid off.

Below are two lists. The first part is composed of four equations I figured out as a home work assignment. The second part is a list of definitions that help shape our lives.

Part 1: Equations of an Exceptional Parent

  1. Circumstance – Hope =   disappointment
  2. Relationships X forgiveness = longevity
  3. Friends / zero= loneliness
  4. Resiliency + humor = survival

Part 2: Geometry of an Exceptional Parent

  1. A triangle can be described as the relationship with three sides, you, your child and those who are there to help. At times it kinda functions like a three legged dog.
  2. A circle is a symbol of what you do when you try to explain your situation with those who don’t care. (Note: a circle has no beginning or end)
  3.  A square has four equal sides, (Okay, Ill give you a pass on that one. I forgot, “equal sides” is not in our dictionary)
  4.  A line is one of those marks on my face, not from age but from all the miles I have traveled in this journey with my exceptional child. But in reality a line moves in a clear direction you can either go forward or backwards on it. It is up to you which way you travel.


The three R’s; reading, writing and arithmetic were foundations for basic skills for education.
I say the three L’s; listening, learning, and lots of fun are the basic skills needed for an exceptional parent.

Your New Math?

What math lessons have you learned as the parent of a child with special needs? Please leave your favorite equations below!

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