Why the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia ends up on this family's short list of sight-seeing venues in the city of brotherly love.

A children’s hospital is usually not a destination location for a day trip. But recently, Christine Lester’s family visited the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) just for the fun of it. In today’s guest post, Christine describes the fun they had sight seeing at CHOP.

Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia: Hope Lives Here

It’s not often you get to see a familiar place with new eyes. Yet, two weeks ago I did. Our family’s destination was a hospital, of all places. Now you should know that my husband and I have made the drive to Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia more times that I can count.

Emotions on the Highway

Our trips started when we were newly married and expecting nine years ago.  Since then, we’ve felt every emotion on the highway heading into the big city.  Every emotion EXCEPT  pure elation.  This trip was the first time there was audible excitement during this drive. In the backseat sat our children laughing and snapping pictures.

My oldest one was about to have yet another afternoon procedure crossed off his medical to do list. My son and I usually go to all appointments and test without my youngest, Alyssa. She hasn’t attended even hospitalizations and surgeries for a myriad of reasons. But she was always begging to go, so today we were making it a family affair. The last time she’d come, she was a toddler.

Like me, Alyssa needed a visual of this place she hears so much about.   A place we spend so much time at. The place that fixes her big brother and makes him all better.  She hears how magical it can be, yet she is not old enough to know that it can also be such a scary place too.

Billy, the Tour Guide

Upon entering the hospital she was in complete awe. She marveled at the shapes in the ceilings of the elevators, the colored glass on the building outside. She thought the atrium was simply divine and whimsical. Billy took over as tour guide and lead us through the hospital. He pointed at windows where he had been admitted and had Alyssa’s undivided attention. He pointed at where the NICU use to be, and where the radio station is being built. The surgical wing. Where the chapel was, the cafeteria, the gift shop, and even the McDonald’s! He directed us right to his appointment.

When the MRI scans were done Billy once again led us back to the other wing of the hospital. It was quite an accomplishment for an 8-year-old to have an hour long MRI without sedation. So we enter the cafeteria in search of ice cream as a reward.

You could tell Alyssa was making mental notes of everything. The doctors in white coats. Nurses in scrubs, one of which remembered us and said hi to Billy. She studied the children and their tubes, IV’s and hospital issued PJ’s.

A Luxury Vacation

Even seeing the balloons still set up from the CHOP prom had her interest. What a magical place that they even have Prom! As her eyes darted around she begged to stay at CHOP like it was some luxury vacation. As we ate ice cream she softly read the words on my bag holding my son’s medical binder. I smiled and got goosebumps as I saw her tiny pink nails trace the words that read “CHOP~Hope lives Here.”

Indeed it does!

Have You Ever Visited the Hospital Just for Fun?

If you’ve taken your kids to the hospital just for fun, tell us about the experience. How did the visit impact them and you? What do your kids think of a hospital now? To read more of Christine’s guest posts, just type her name in the search box. You can also learn more about Christine at the guest blogger page.

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