What excuses are keeping you from starting a special needs ministry? Here are the ones holding me back.

As I mentioned in the previous post in this series, God has been nudging me about beginning a special needs ministry at my local church. After all, the new building is completely handicapped accessible, so we will soon have the facilities for such a ministry. Our town is full of families who could benefit from it. All that’s missing is someone to spearhead the efforts, kinda get things going.

I’m Too Busy

That would be me.

The problem is I’m not very comfortable with the idea. In fact, I don’t like it at all. See, I’m a busy woman. I have a new book contract, with lots of research to complete and interviews to do, and a deadline. I have a full schedule of speaking engagements. All this advocating around the country on behalf of parents whose children have special needs takes so much time.

I’m No Expert

But, how can I call myself an advocate for families around the country if I refuse to advocate on behalf of families in my town? The more I think about it, the more hypocritical I feel. It’s painful, the kind of nudge I can’t ignore.

So here’s the deal. Even though, I’m reading up on the subject and have interviewed the coordinator of a stellar special needs ministry at Valley Evangelical Free Church in West Des Moines, Iowa, I’m not sure how to begin. Maybe some of you can help.

Calling All Experts and Wannabees

If you’re a lurker with experience starting a special needs ministry from scratch, your expertise is needed. Please leave a comment or send an email about books, programs, resources, or people who assisted you. Tell us your ministry’s story so we can follow your example.

If you’re a wannabe like me, leave a comment or question about what you want to know about starting a ministry. Maybe someone out there will have an answer.

I’ll Keep You Posted About the Pain

Since I’m asking you to get involved on this subject, I promise to keep you posted about my progress, too. We probably won’t move into our new facility until September, so until then it’s research and waiting expectantly for your ideas. Please, please, please start sharing them. I want to stop feeling like a hypocrite real soon!

Part 1

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