Neonatal newborn

The past two posts suggested ten ways people can help when your child is hospitalized. Today’s ideas are designed to bring some fun into the mix. The longer a hospital stay is, the more necessary fun and laughter become, at least if you plan to keep your sanity. So the next time people ask what they can do, let them play with these ideas.


Cafeteria food gets old after awhile. Ask people to bring a home-cooked picnic meal or take-out food.


Give a power-shopping friend a list of toiletries and other things you need. She’ll have a good time, you’ll get what you need, and you’ll both be happy.


Depending on how far you are from home, trips to and from the hospital can be difficult. Ask someone to arrange rides for you, your kids, spouse, parents, or others who want to visit.


If your child’s hospital room looks like, well, a hospital room, get some home-decorating mavens to add a homey touch or decorate for the holidays. It will raise your spirits and your child’s.


If the hospital and your child’s condition allow, have someone organize a weekly movie night or even parties for a special occasion.

Even when your child is seriously ill, you have permission to play. So go ahead and laugh. Get silly. Have fun. It’ll do everybody good: you, your family, and the people who want to help. If you have more ideas of ways people can help, please leave a comment.

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